[quote=@System] Don’t get hit. *Disappears in a flash, and blips near my vicinity begin fizzling out* [/quote] ... she's incredible. Ezzy: *appears behind shinji, slicing his arm off with my scythe* Shinji: *crys out in agony , lcutchign the bloody stump, fallign to my knees* Ezzy: *places the blade of my scyther around shinji's neck* It'll all be over soon, no need to worry. You've been through so much pain, shinji. Father showed us all. This world only takes from you. You don't deserve to die slow and painfully, you deserve mercy. You weren't like the tier five, and I have my entire new life thanks to your existence. Thank you for everything, I am truly grateful. Shinji: *a shadow washes over my face, as it hangs down* ..... *reaches up to the blade of the scythe, gripping it in my hands* Ezzy: please do not fight this, Shinji. Your sins are about to be laid to rest. Shinji:.... No. *Grips down, breaking the blade seemingly with my bare hands* Ezzy: how... how is that possible?? What are you?!? Shinji: *my entire aura erupts to rival that of even Aeron's, gustign and violent* You want to kill me?... Earn it. *looks at Ezzy in the eyes, with violent intent* You and your master are going to die here, if it's the last thing I do. *my arm grows back instantaneously, but seememngly covered in blood and flesh. A supernatural aura fills the battle space*