Kay went to the fridge and pulled out the milk before grabbing a glass from the cupboard and bringing it down, then poured her some milk and put it down in front of her. "there ya go" she commented, as she took in the rest of what Trish said whilst she put the milk away. "maybe..." she replied simply, still mentally taken a little back by the whole conversation being had, especially with a kid. Could she really be that kind of person to bring a kid into this world? To her it felt almost cruel to put a child of hers through the risks of being caught or killed, it was certainly a complicated situation to think about. Josh helped Serena over and sat her down on the solo chair, "she'll be alright but we gotta talk. All of us" he told John, ending his comment in such a manner to show that Kay needed to be in the room as well when they discuss what just happened with Serena upstairs.