[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/k6jwQ8x/image.png[/img][h3]Shigenaga Nomura-lphas Seek & Get Sought[/h3][@Guy0fV4lor][@Rune_Alchemist][/center] They say that good things come to those who wait. Indeed, after Nomura had thanked Bolcha for the information, he elected to wait for Donovan's return instead, standing just at the outskirts of the village towards the old temple. If he were a braver man, he would have ventured forth to find Donovan himself. Of course, such a notion was impossible for the man that Nomura was behind the mask, a fiend wanted by a group of fanatic hunters and a supernatural entity. So instead, he waited. Nomura almost thought of actually getting those fishes he had owed a certain fox to pass the time, but instead, he glimpsed at a rather familiar-looking man making his mad dash towards Lady Mie's encampment. Nomura sighed as he recognized Donovan, not sure if he should feel displeased that Donovan chose to make his job a bit too easy. Still, Nomura wasn't the type to let an opportunity pass itself by. Making his way back to Lady Mie's camp, he would bow to the Oni meeting Donovan respectfully. "[color=lavender]Ah, don't worry. I'll see to this foreigner myself. If he has any important business, I shall let Lady Mie know personally.[/color]" Nomura stated, before putting an arm over Donovan almost too familiarly so. [sub]"[color=lightblue]Just follow my lead, Don.[/color]"[/sub] Whether Donovan chose to react or not, Nomura suddenly yanked him away to where they are both just out of earshot of the encampment and, more importantly, the other villagers, using a bit of magic to make his leave swifter. Once that was done, he turned to Donovan with a flourish, removing his mask. "[color=lightblue]Ta-da~ It is your trustworthy friend from yesteryore, here to greet you once more![/color]" Malphas almost sung, bowing with a smile. "[color=lightblue]I'm currently a part of Lady Mie's troupe, with a new identity to boot! I don't wish to bore you with the details of the 'hows' or the 'whys,' but it seems at this very moment, we can help each other.[/color] "[color=lightblue]If you have business with Lady Mie, I'm sure I can make negotiations between the two of you to your liking, hm? In exchange, I only ask for a simple trade: a fragment of metal with a peculiar engravement on it. Valuable to me, but likely garbage to you. It's traded many hands, and from my investigations, it may be in yours. If you have such an item in your possession, I'd be happy to relieve it of your person. If not...[/color]" Malphas was still unsure if it was Donovan that possessed the item in question or not. He has not heard from that irritating fox, either. Either way, it would be good to cover both bases. If Don did not have the shard, then it would mean the [i]other[/i] foxgirl had it, and he would be going towards that direction regardless. "[color=lightblue]You seem to have built more rapport with these villagers than I. Perhaps you can fetch me [i]two[/i] fishes, instead? Of course, that is assuming you don't have what I'm looking for.[/color]" An opportunity to delegate others to do his own tasks is an opportunity Malphas would never shy from.