[@Forsythe] [@Kumbaris] [@Searat] [@Ozzy Cross] Shina almost felt as though she were a ghost, watching this different version of her below - slicing through vine after vine, like some crazy person! She didn't feel herself at all, but all she could remember was Guan's face, clear as day. Her soul was on fire, her ears and tail seemed to glow with a soft ember and her senses were keener than they had ever been. As she cut through the vines, she saw that the wizard had lifted the spell they all had, so there was no hope of going through this forest without a fight now. She had also realised that Thaddeus' boy had somehow appeared, how very like his father, [color=green] "Thomas, what are you doing here?!?!" [/color] She helped with the others until they had all been freed. It looked like the dragon had everything covered, it would have been good if she could turn and set this whole awful forest aflame! Suddenly, she thought she could hear a muffled scream...the princess was almost completely covered in vines!! Lapoo had already made its way over and was started to try (not very successfully) to bite through...[color=green] "Thank you my friend, i've got it from here" [/color] Shina sliced through until she could see the princesses face, looking so frightened..[color=green] "I'm so sorry Princess, you should never have got caught up in all this" [/color] Finally she got her free and it looked like they were all untangled. They all gathered around and Shina grabbed Thomas by the arm [color=green] "Thomas! What are you doing here, does your father know?! [/color] She felt that Thaddeus would never have let his son join, especially with the danger of the elves. As she thought this, she suddenly felt many eyes watching them. Lapoo confirmed her fears when it let out a squeak and hid behind her. The canopy above them shifted as elves surrounded them, most aiming bows at them. Things were about to get complicated. [color=red] "You, come with us!!" [/color] One of the elves shouted in broken English. Yep, thought Shina, thing's are definitely going to get complicated.