Lorcan's sleep had not gone exactly well, but to the defense of the unknown... thing... that had made its way into the tavern -- after or before slaughtering a path through the city, that was perhaps --, he would not have slept well even without it. There just were too many discomforting issues at hand such as that the city had started to smell like corruption from the very first contact onwards. A settlement's guards were supposed to be the last individuals to fall victim to egoism and self-justice, but it seemed to have happened here on a scale so large that they, an unwary bunch of travelers with no page in the book of history, could run into it right away. Speaking of missing pages, the next biggie clearly was the goddamn lack of information. Yes, having a bed for the night and a warm meal to fill one's stomach was a nice thing absolutely, but at what price ? Right: being dragged into some shady underground business with no explanation given why exactly [i]they[/i] had to do a job that was urgent. Shouldn't there have been some other poor man to do it way before their arrival ? It smelled like rotten fish, but he didn't even know enough to decide whether he could blame Raddek and his so called friends to play a foul game or if they were, in fact, as 'innocent' as the rest of the party. Lorcan skipped past the dead body in the streets without spending much attention on it. If things went bad this day, they'd cause enough of a bloodsheet them bloody selves this day. No need to challenge one's urge to vomit right in the morning already... Having listened to Reyvadin's speech with his mighty arms crossed in front of his breast, the Skayleigh set on to say something himself: [color=yellow]"I have to concur with him. Accessing the goods we need ourselves seems to be preferable to dealing with yet another unknown. All we know about any potential smuggler is that he or she will want to have their share of the deal, making things more expensive for us. Also hiring a smuggler is no guarantee that we won't end up having to fight. If we succeed stealing that stuff ourselves undetected..."[/color]. And now his tone darkened before continuing: [color=yellow]"...or at least without living witnesses left behind, nobody will know who and where we are. If we deal with a smuggler, at least one person will."[/color]