[center][h2][color=CAB8B6]Tosai “Fret” Furesawa[/color][/h2][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/903361233518985246/911769863222087720/61EE7D81-6E6C-45F9-A539-9F4A707B18DA.png[/img][h3][color=CAB8B6]Fret’s healthy. But, he has no thoughts, for his head is empty.[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [center][color=CAB8B6]"Very well? Very W-"[/color] And with Lex's response to he and Date's spiels, and the press of a button, that aforementioned kid disappeared into thin air. Literally! [color=CAB8B6]"Wh- WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT! Where'd you even- WHAT!"[/color] Fret has no words, none at all. Did he just- did he just cause that? Sure, it technically wasn't his fault, but- shit! And, oh, remember that Tosai scanned the businessman earlier? Now that he has the results (which was given to myself via Store in DMs, to be clear), the Player couldn't believe it. All of this, and he just wanted everyone to calm down?! [color=CAB8B6]"You seriously care about us calming down and NOT how we may feel otherwise? God, it's people like you that just- I-"[/color] He made hand gestures as he tried to find the words, but ultimately, he just couldn't. Fun![/center] [hr] [center] [@Thatguyinastore] [/center]