[img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.nNEDCs6Twr3SUIGSJ6PGWQHaEK?pid=ImgDet&rs=1[/img] Jak and Daxter Status:Annoyed, Angry Location: ??> Lex Luthor’s Office> Finding info about bounty about Lex Luthor ======================================================================== After finding out about their exact location, a woman came forward asking for everyone to follow her to see Lex Luthor. Daxter muttered “I have no idea who this guy is and probably don’t want to know but come’n Jak, let’s see where this thing takes us. Jak frowned “You sure, Dax. Daxter promptly nodded and both followed suit toward the elevator which was huge enough to fit a lot of people in. As the elevator stopped, the room inside was grand and luxurious causing the ottsel just to stare at the room in wonder and waved at Jak “Don’t worry, Jak, go find Lex and talk, we’ll meet up in a bit.” Jak frowned and saw Lex Luthor and a lot of figures in front of the desk. “Why did you bring us here? A.. bounty? You mean you want us to kill this Superman with no details on what he’s capable of?” He frowned, somewhere he wasn’t sure what he and Dax was getting into but he frowned. [@thatguyinastore]