[center] Lucifer had hung in the back, probably hidden pretty well from all the action. He had no real questions, everyone else seemed to beat him to it. Obviously they aren't the most organized bunch, and maybe that'll bite him in the ass later. Though the angel was now much more confident in his situation. That couldn't be all to it- really? Just.. take out some super gone Rouge? That's.. not bad. He's been kidnapped for worse! Or would it be less? At least he's needed right now, that's all that had to really matter. With all the infighting going on, he's starting to understand Kira more. Peace keeping? Nah, not really his style right now. Luci much rather stand at a safe distance and watch the chaos unfold, after all why should he help these hot-headed morons? They seemed to be all the destructive power they need, not even a few moments in and these fuckers seemed to be at his throat like rabid dogs. Have they no honour? Not even a shred of respect? Terrible. There was no helping this situation. [hr] On the other hand, Cloud was staying away for his own reasons. He wasn't much for talking in the first place, nor was he about to stop the others from being idiots. They weren't his problem, just some liability at the moment. All questions were getting answered, no real harm was done, and if he helps kill a man he gets to go home. Easy, right? Just like every other job the merc as done. Kill something, fetch something- whatever it was it was some hard task that payed well and made him stronger. Win-win yeah? Though having ALL of these people here seems... excessive.. how strong was this "super-man?" And was he immune to swords? No one was immune to swords, and if they are no they aren't. Cloud will find a way, if they even need his help. Everyone in this room to kill one guy? Overkill, that man couldn't be so strong. Everything wore down eventually, he could do it if he tried hard enough... only would need a small team, not a small army. Cloud could care less for all these people, they fought too much and he wasn't being payed to like any of them. This was all too dramatic for his tastes, the merc practically scoffed at it all. They would wear out eventually, just had to let them scream a little. [/center]