....Hmm. I'm actually concidering throwing my hat back into here. But I know I gotta resubmit either a new character or Joker again. So I worked on someone I think will be easier to work with, Frisk! [Hider=*You are filled with DETERMINATION][Center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/86/9b/c4/869bc4ff14957494454b46642a9a0aa9.jpg[/img][/center] [Color=#67a4e0]Name:[/color] Frisk [Color=#67a4e0]Game Origin:[/color] Undertale [Color=#67a4e0]Appearance:[/color] [i][b]Pictured Above![/b][/i] [Color=#67a4e0]Personality:[/color] The type of person Frisk can be always varies with each timeline. Though for this one, Frisk is a tried and true pacifist with a heart of gold. They're stubborn yet jovial, with the belief that anyone can be a good person if they try. They're a bit of a jokester thanks to a certain bad influence, caring, and careful. Despite this, even Frisk knows when to get serious. Due to their nature they'd rather focus on keeping their allies alive than to fight head on, or to stall as much as possible. They're rather quiet, almost to the point of selective mutism, and even they get scared too. But even if they're scared, they know they have to keep going. They have to stay determined. [Color=#67a4e0]Background:[/color] Many know the story already. About how humans and monsters once lived in peace, until a war between them condemned the monsters underground with a barrier. Only with the power of seven souls can the barrier be broken. Asgore, the king of the Underground, was only able to claim six. However a prophecy fortold that the 8th human to fall from the surface would be the one to leave the Underground empty. Whether or not it would be through violence, or if the monsters would finally be free... That would be Frisk's choice alone. At some point in time, Frisk stumbled unto the mountain where the monsters were trapped in, Mt. Ebbot. Whether they fell by choice or accident, they made their way through trials not through conflict, but with kindness. No one expected it, but they eventually accepted the child as an ally. Even going as far as intercepting their fight with Asgore before it began. Though as a certain flower started to take things into his own hands, an otherwordly light engulfed every single one of them. Even Frisk. The next moment, Frisk was alone. But their determination never wavered. They set off to find their friends, and find a way home. [Color=#67a4e0]Specialty:[/color] Negotiator [Color=#e607f8]Level:[/color] 1 [Color=#e607f8]Experience:[/color] 0/10 [Color=#67a4e0]Powers:[/color] [i][color=gold]Checkpoint:[/color][/i] With their determination, Frisk was once able to save, reload, and reset the timeline to their will. But since the rules of other worlds conflicted with their own, their ability to save became a checkpoint. Just have to look out for a golden star. Any time Frisk saves progress at a checkpoint, they can always reload (or really, teleport) to the last one they visited. However, this doesn't change their condition at the moment of reloading, or restore their HP like it used to. [Color=#67a4e0]Strengths:[/color] [i][color=red]Determination:[/color][/i] Their original soul trait. Not only does it make the checkpoint power available to them, but allows them to adapt into a different soul trait. But no matter what, they'll always be determined. [i][color=e607f8]Agile:[/color][/i] Frisk's time in the Underground made them more agile, more experienced in evading enemy attacks. May get some scrapes on the side, but can always come in handy! [i][color=e607f8]LOVE and EXP:[/color][/i] Well, the option will always be on the table... [Color=#67a4e0]Weaknesses:[/color] [i][color=e607f8]Only Human:[/color][/i] Despite Frisk's achievements, they're still just a human. Not to mention a kid. They can get stubborn. They can get reckless. They can get themselves killed easily if they're not careful. Not everyone will listen to the whims of a pacifist. [i][color=e607f8]LOVE and EXP:[/color][/i] Every time Frisk kills an enemy, they gain EXP. Gain enough EXP, and their LOVE will increase. But they'd never resort to killing, right?? There's gotta be another way to get stronger. [Color=#67a4e0]Spirits:[/color] None. Not even a Napstablook. [Color=#67a4e0]Guest List:[/color] [i][b]The Underground:[/b][/i] Every monster, big or small, that Frisk managed to befriend. With their current predicament, Frisk is keeping an eye out for anyone they may recognize, in hopes that they're alright. [i][Color=#30f403]Chara:[/color][/i] The first human to fall, and Frisk's guide, even if they weren't aware of it at first. Would Galeem's light even reach the dead? [i][Color=royalblue]Kris:[/color][/i] Who? Frisk never knew a Kris, but somehow the name seems...familiar. [Color=#67a4e0]Inventory:[/color] [i][Color=#e607f8]Stick:[/color][/i] It's bark is wore than it's bite. [i][Color=#e607f8]Bandage:[/color][/i] It has already been used many times. Can be unequiped into a healing item. (Heals 10 HP)[/hider] I'm kinda unsure about the nerf to their SAVE (aka the Checkpoint power), so if you have any suggestions, I'm open to hear them.