[center] [img] https://c.tenor.com/KihmygLmxnYAAAAd/cereza-bayonetta.gif[/img] [color=0054a6][h1]Bayonetta[/h1][/color] [hr] In the middle of the barrage of questions directed at Mr. Luthor, an emblem of sorts would appear near the back of the room where Lucifer was standing, quiet enougn that nobody save for those looking in the right direction would see it. [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/628057863599947796/911833520161325086/unknown.png [/img] It was barely there for more than a second before a tall woman with raven hair emerged, the emblem disappearing behind her as she became visible to the group. She gave a small knowing wink to Lucifer before beginning to walk forward, her shoes giving satisfying clicks against the office floor with a small burst of butterflies paired with every step. [img] https://c.tenor.com/T4MpPuE1MTwAAAAd/bayonetta-swagger.gif[/img] [color=0054a6]“I’ve got to agree with the squire on this one. I’d hate to RSVP to an invite with no place and time on it.” [/color] Bayonetta stated in response to Hershel had said, giving him a small nod as her walk came to a slow as she approached the desk. The fact that she’d seemingly been not there before was addressed with a smirk as she continued to speak. [color=0054a6]“Do remind me, was I in charge of bringing snacks? I’d hate to be left without an excuse to be late to the party.” [/color]Bayonetta quipped, coming to a stop beside whichever people left room for her to stand in front of the desk. Though her vocal demeanor was all jokes and playful tone, if someone were to look closer at her face, they’d see Bayonetta’s jaw slightly clenched. Regardless of whatever she said to brush off her sudden appearance, it seemed that something—maybe the prospect of Joel’s daughter becoming spirited away and his stress beforehand—had perhaps touched a nerve or two. [@ratKing] [@RirisStride1] [@Thatguyinastore] (Open to other interactions) [/center]