[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/381533548320129026/910222748847063040/greysmall.png[/img] [h1]Grey[/h1] The fox listens curiously, his tail flicking idly behind him. From the relief of Sarah being okay- apparently- to the newly provided information of Superman's strength and the description of the watches, he feels a bit more satisfied with this mission briefing. Of course, he still has yet to find a reason to trust this Luthor apart from a bigger threat at hand, but that motivation's seem to come up a lot in the past day. "Okay. So we're being sent on a mission to take down a super-powerful alien who's killing everyone he comes across with only these watches and a few minutes of getting to know each other?" Grey recaps with a raised brow, the plan becoming more and more ridiculous as he puts it into words. "Guess we've got a long night ahead." [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW_CTWf3PMA[/youtube] From above Grey's nose comes a blue spark, and without warning, a transparent energy, with texture that seems identical to glass forms around his eyes like a visor. "Let's gear up, everybody!" [@Thatguyinastore] and technically everyone else but i'm not pinging everyone for that that's just rude[/center]