[center] [img] https://c.tenor.com/KihmygLmxnYAAAAd/cereza-bayonetta.gif[/img] [color=0054a6][h1]Bayonetta[/h1][/color] [hr] It seemed Bayonetta's light jokes were lost on Mr. Luthor. Ah well, he wouldn't have been the first. It'd be rarer to find the contrary, actually. Sometimes it felt like every talkative type in town managed to find their way to her. Though despite how usually impatient she found herself with those who were content to ramble on, she seemed to listen, albeit annoyedly, to Luthor's lengthy ramble in response to all the questions he'd received. Though her silvery blue eyes were focused on anything but who she was listened to as she caught wind of the glare dripping with content from the squire's little friend after she complimented his point. [i]Oh[/i], it seemed [i]someone[/i] here was quite the jealous type. Bayonetta gave the Nekomata a smirk in response to her rage, watching as she put on her little show with a small clap. [color=0054a6]"If that's what gets him to pay for dinner, then I think you've earned your tip."[/color] She quipped with the same unwavering expression, before turning her full attention back onto Luther. As rude as this interruption to her schedule had been, she supposed she'd seen a worse hand of odds. [color=0054a6]"I suppose I'll come along for the ride, then. Another painting in the gallery of rogues couldn't hurt."[/color] She stated, joining in the statements of the others that they'd join in on this quest. Well, she doubted that there was really a choice to go by from what she'd heard before, but any freedom they could grab seemed enticing. [@Starmaker] [@Thatguyinthestore] @everyoneelsebasically @openforinteractions [/center]