At the suggestion, Kay nodded and stood up heading to exactly where Serena suggested, opening the door and walking inside closing the door behind her. Closing the door behind them all almost felt therapeutic as she exhaled a deep breath and walked to the centre of the room, sitting on the floor cross legged and closed her eyes, focusing on herself and not the information she had to try and accept. Chas made John sit back down on the couch yet again and sighed. "told you she wouldn't leave you. It'll take a lot more I reckon to actually make her run and leave you" he told his mate. To him, Kay seemed the type to walk away, calm down and then possibly come back to John, despite the fact she ran from her sister all that time ago and took her two years before going back to her, albeit briefly. "if you know where she went, keep it to yourself for his sake." Chas suggested to Serena. He didn't want John agreeing to leave Kay alone for a short while, then going after her if she didn't show her face after a set amount of time.