[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/670294251044864020/909169404460290098/download.jpg[/img] [h1][color=c93648]Red Riding Hood[/color][/h1] [color=c93648]Mood - Fine Status - Healthy Interactions/Mentions - [@Thatguyinastore], [@SomeMekBoy], [@ProfSpacecakes], [@RirisStride1][/color] [hr] So as Red pondered about Lex's words, there may just be hope after all? As she kept thinking about the tension and the stakes - which she seemed to believe - there were but three who spoke up amid the entire group. Their goal? To organise multiple (three to be exact) distinct teams to deal with their alien opponent. There was the strike team for sheer power, the information team to gather intel on the situation and their opponents, and the tactical team which applies said intel gathered! All they need to do is work together in these set-ups and they get to go home. That was all from 'one' of these three men who outlined the plan, the other two consisting of a familiar 'Sun-Head' and what appeared to be an experienced if somewhat weathered traveller. Though she bore a lot of concerns as they even reached this point, Red couldn't help but manage a smile of confidence - and respect. Someone had to take charge after all, but a joint effort of three total strangers? Now this is a treat! Yet, as people file into these teams based on what they are capable of, there's still so many people... Red couldn't help but laugh. [color=c93648]"Now this, this makes me proud. Wish I had this sheer confidence."[/color] She spoke aloud - and though she shot herself metaphorically in the heart with these words alone, and dampening her own confidence down even further, she respected the hell out of this - a bit too much. But yet... how could she be mad? [color=c93648]"This seems like a bit much though. I kmow we're going up against some kind of... alien protector who is 101% superpowered, but I can't help but feel like we're individually outclassed if that ever comes up..."[/color] Her voice laced with worry, she sighed and shook her head and glanced to the trio once more - a man in a spider suit, a second superhero towering above both the other two, and then the adventurer - where her attention finally rested. [color=c93648]"...Though then again, we clearly ain't got a choice if this is our only shot at getting out of here. Guess we're frying a superhuman in the near future, eh? You 'sure' you can handle all this organising by yourself?"[/color] With her words alone, Red metaphorically extended a helping hand where she could - and though she wasn't sure what group she originally would reside in, Red ultimately settled into the tactical team - though she lacks a lot of power to wind up on the strike team or the means to gather intel safely for the information team, the tactical team would be the best of fits for her modest arsenal... if you can even call it an arsenal. [/center]