[center][color=FFD700][img]https://i.imgur.com/TbXuScb.png[/img][/color] [/center] [indent] Safia listened intently to Ms. Relwind's introduction, then made her way to customs. [b]"Name, reason, and duration of stay?"[/b] The officer asked. Safia noted his slightly accented English. [color=FFD700]"Safia Reges, study and pleasure, let's say a week for now. Oh, and here's my badge."[/color] Safia showed it for inspection, then accepted the bag of coins. She quickly checked inside, noting the total. Enough for some good food and books. Safia didn't need any weapons or armor, so she could afford to maybe pick up some study material. She was particularly interested in the Arcturian god or gods. In the past, some religious leaders had shunned the idea of baptising non-humans. However, recent opinion was that the doors of the Church were open to anyone looking to seek salvation. Safia wanted to look more into Arcturian faith and its tenets. Sure, she could always read the textbook (which she did), but a firsthand or secondhand source could definitely illuminate underrepresented points of view. And thus, with a quick bow to the customs officer, she headed out the door to look for a bookstore. [/indent]