[center][h1][color=ad4e92]H[/color]OSHINO [color=ad4e92]N[/color]ORIAKI[/h1][/center] [table][row][/row][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/0eEnTTQ.jpeg[/img] [center][color=#2e2c2c]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][/center] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]D A T E[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub]April 13th 2018[/sub] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]L O C A T I O N[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub]Hinotori Highschool[/sub] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]T A G S[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub][@Hero][@Scribe of Thoth][@Lord Orgasmo][@Obscene Symphony][/sub][/cell][cell][indent]It was difficult to discern whether the torrent of words that came pouring from Ueno was an information dump or a form of therapy for the girl. It was somewhat ironic; Noriaki had done all he could to [i]avoid[/i] other Persona users, at least until his hand had been forced, and yet his senior seemed to find some level of catharsis in having other contract holders to talk with. If all she said was true—and he had little reason to doubt it, considering their similarly bizarre circumstances—then he couldn't fault her for it too much. She had shouldered the burden for far longer than he had, in addition to losing her friends to the Other Side and its unknowable machinations. The last member remaining member of the previous batch. Pushing aside the implication of their own disposable nature, the teen found himself no less stir crazy as the recounting of events began to work its way to a conclusion. He had, over the last week, pieced together some of what she had to tell them. Her explanation helped fill in gaps here and there, although none were of any comfort to him. Not least among those uncomfortable revelations was reveal of the ground zero of this entire supernatural affair; Daigo had quickly confirmed to their senpai that the house in question had been the one they had visited a few nights prior, and the burned out ruin that had been his initiation point into the world of Persona even earlier than that. As much as he didn't want a bunch of random classmates buzzing around his house every time William decided to humor them, there was no avoiding it now. [color=ad4e92]"Would it make you feel better or worse if I told you the place that I ran into that girl looked exactly like a stage? Or that her sudden appearance as a cat came the day after William told me the 'previous denizen' had escaped? I don't exactly know who your friend was, or what she looked like, but I reckon she might know a little more about Mineri-san than just her whereabouts. Might wanna ask her yourself, if she decides to sniff us out today."[/color] He found himself once again eying the doorway to the locker room after his contribution. [color=ad4e92]"Actually, it's pretty weird that she hasn't shown up yet. I swore I saw her earlier, which should have keyed me in on something happening today. Always figured it was the black cats that brought bad luck, but here we are."[/color][/indent][/cell][/row][/table]