[center][img]https://trapcomics.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/wpid-hancock_by_gillham_san.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Hancock was lying on a bench in the Centennial Park. Face up with the sun gleaming on his face and half a bottle of booze still in his hand, taking his mid-day nap as the pedestrians walk past him, stealing glances at the homeless "hero" incredulously. Something akin to envy is welling up in most of them. The man looks like he's just stepped out of a Warner Bros picture, a big Hollywood star that every metropolitan shop owner is trying to get their hands on. Except that the star is disheveled and has fallen on hard times. REALLY hard times. He's only been in town for about a week and already, the citizens on Metropolis wasn't fond of him. Just a few days ago, Hancock had entered a bar located in the same complex as the park and played some darts while waiting for his drink. Hancock unfortunately threw the darts just a little too hard as they flew through the wall and killed the bar manager. The bartender called the police and he was arrested for murder. The police was unsympathetic about his plight and pressed a minor charge, instead. Hancock's been drinking ever since he was arrested. He thinks he can make a fine amount of money in the Metropolis. The police will probably let him go with a warning today. In the meantime, his third bottle of the day is still untouched. "So sue me," he laughs as he gulps down the last drops of vodka and pours it down the drain with a hiss.[/center] [Open for Interaction]