Josh smiled and chuckled sheepishly, "I guess you bring it out of me" he told her, tucking some of her hair behind her ear as he looked at her in the eyes. "I guess sometimes being spontaneous can do us all good" he added, "and if I'm honest? I've always wanted to kiss you" he admitted to her. Chas nodded, "He's very touchy about the story which is understandable but yes, that's why he's always been super careful before Kay came into his life with who he slept with. He never before wanted the ties to people, then Kay came into his life and things changed it seems. But he's never truly gotten passed that trauma of being called a killer all his childhood, even when he got closure. But I'm hoping that now Kay and Serena are in his life, maybe he'll get to move on finally" he said to her. Kay sighed when John replied to her, avoiding her plea which somehow didn't fully surprise her. "But if it does...if anything makes me snap...I mean it John, I need you to kill me to stop me" she told him, gripping his hands tighter.