[b]((Strike Team))[/b] [img]https://www.bing.com/th/id/OGC.eb4a814b1884695230389360a0dc73e4?pid=1.7&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fi.pinimg.com%2foriginals%2fc5%2f19%2f03%2fc519037bb10f3d9ced905a3ceb7e7759.gif&ehk=1p5SbkeEe9uU53VzzZCtqBdRHZXACCX1RMwW%2bDgw3Z4%3d[/img] Jak and Daxter Status:Annoyed Location: ??> Lex Luthor’s Office> Choosing a team [b]( Strike team) [/b] ======================================================================== Daxter looked at the others and shrugged “Wonder what team we should join, Jak?” Jak looked over at his friend, Dax and looked around at the various groups. “Actually we could probably handle the strike or tactical team. With my powers, weapons and all around eco powers could be useful out there on the strike team, but there already looks to be a ton of strike team individuals. The duo looked over at the groups between tactical and strike and decided. “Just pick one, Dax.” Jak sighed “Daxter looked back “Uh, pointing at both groups…. We never had good plans ….. So the Strike team it is!” [@thatguyinastore] [Strike team]