[hider=UZUL] [center] Uzul ⋆ 126 ⋆ Male ⋆ Orc [hr] Appearance [hider=Younger Days] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597967434732929024/912104732355620914/unknown.png [/img] [/hider] [hider=Nowadays] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597967434732929024/912104775531769877/unknown.png [/img] [/hider] Physical appearance: [b]Height: [/b] 9ft [b]Weight:[/b] 750 lbs [b]Body Type: [/b] Large rectangular build packed with muscle on muscle [b]Age: [/b] Age: 127 Birthday: April 19th [b]Eyes: [/b] Color: Light yellow eyes with streaks of dark amber. Quality: Uzul has great vision that can quickly react to movement. Shape: Rounded eyes that are usually very wide. [b]Hair: [/b] Color: Black hair that are starting to show streaks of white and gray. Texture: Rough and in need of conditioning. Length: Slightly past shoulders. Style: Messily tied in the back into a bun of some kind. [b]Skin: [/b] Shade: A brownish-green like an olive. Texture: Smooth on the surface with Rock Hard muscles that create a marble-like feeling. Birthmarks: None that he knows of. Scars: A few light scars that have smoothed over decades. [b]Manner of dress: [/b] Normal: Uzul is usually dressed for travel, covered in a dusty thick tan cloak. Most of the things he has looks pretty worn from use. No shirt as it was the first thing to go. In need of new clothes. [b]Voice: [/b] Accent: A weird cross of Dugmaghord and dwarven accents. Tone/Pitch: Mid to lower range with some slight vibration. Typical Volume: more of a quiet softer voice in private. But in public will speak louder with more authority. [b]Speech:[/b] Habits: Uzul tends to try to get his thoughts in order and say a lot at once when in quick conversation. When in more interactive he usually gets his thoughts out and then waits in a back and forth mannerism. Profanity: Uses profanity mostly to himself. Been literal decades since he has used it as a person. [b]Movement and gestures: [/b] When first meeting someone he tries to not make too many gestures as he feels it put people off. After he gets to know someone or they seem to also use a fair bit of gestures he will use them frequently to help express himself. [b]Overall Liveliness: [/b] Uzul's mind is usually focused on a goal and he moves towards it silence. Uzul is usually low energy and only rises when there is a good enough stimulus. He is a real big laugher though and laughs at even the worst puns. [b]Grace of Movement: [/b] Having trained his body for so long he is well aware of his body in space usually. However, Uzul still struggles with places built for smaller folk. In combat, his moves are very precise well controlled. [b]Extent of Physical Expressiveness: [/b] Uzul mainly expresses positive emotions or things that surprise him. Things that disturb or he disagrees with his features don't change that much. [b]Posture: [/b] Uzul stands very tall and tries to show confidence, something instilled in himself decades ago. However his wanderer status usually finds him resting where he can. He never sits against things. [b]Agility: [/b] Uzul is agile enough for his size and usually fumbles with most things that aren't his weapon. Most of the time if he isn't familiar with it he will take a long time to slowly succeed. [b]Accuracy of Senses: [/b] Uzul has honed his senses in the desert as he would have to travel alone. [hr] Psychology Likes: ⋆ Gardening ⋆ Children ⋆ Writing Dislikes: ⋆ Useless conflict ⋆ Overindulgence ⋆ Caves [b]Fears:[/b] To watch people die needlessly. To fail to help someone he has deemed important to him. Letting the pain of his past leave him. [b]Dreams:[/b] To one day atone for his past and then hopefully live for others. [b]Pleasures:[/b] Uzul finds gathering things in the forest or desert to be quite fun. He loves to sketch when he gets a chance. In general, he finds joy in being helpful. [b]Plans for the Future:[/b] No real sense of plans more moments of helping then back to wandering. [b]Sense of Humor:[/b] Puns. [b]Opinions Regarding:[/b] [b]Money:[/b] It can be very useful as not all issues can be solved through work. Himself though he finds money to be more tedious than anything else and prefers to barter. [b]Love:[/b] Love is something he believes everyone needs to experience before they grow up or else it can stunt you for life. He believes that it only takes a single love to change a person forever. [b]Death:[/b] The purity of death can be comforting thought for yourself but never forget that while you may find comfort others find discomfort and you should help alleviate it. It may hurt to lose someone but if you then chose to die yourself you have failed [b]Liquor/Drugs:[/b] Drinking should be reserved for celebrations, even small ones. [b]Ideals:[/b] To make up for his past and help others [b]Regrets:[/b] Letting his greed take hold of himself and getting what he loved the most taken in exchange. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual Personality: [hider=Personality] Uzul finds life too short to not talk to people although he usually tends to stay quiet in larger groups preferring to listen while other people enjoy themselves. Uzul believes he shows a healthy amount of selfishness when it comes to his own ambition. Kindness wasn't something that came naturally to Uzul, instead it came from his time as a father. He tends to take extra care to look out for those still trying to find their way in life. There was a time in Uzul's life that he wouldn't bat an eye at letting an old friend die if it meant he could live but the years of travel have undoubtedly softened him as he now finds himself intervening in situation that don't have to do with himself. Uzul is quite calm nowadays. He usually takes time to consider the situation if he can. However, this calm is learned and he finds himself in relying on his quick action when a threat appears. He has at least dampened his old instincts to not go full force on the first strike. Socially, he attempts to approach situations with open mindedness but he still has a hard time. When he finds a beggar he usually goes out of his way to give them some food and money he can spare. He had always been patient in life usually willing to wait years for a payoff. This patience doesn't go the same length for people as he has little time for those who simply choose not to progress. He finds lenience for those who find themselves lost in life. Uzul has spent only half a century exploring the desert, the outskirts of the forest, and the uninhabitable zone. When it comes to survival in those areas he is probably the best guide in Avalia. But all this wandering, writing, and researching has enlightened him to one thing above all. That he knows nothing. Uzul is very aware of how little he knows about the world and that drives him to this day. Uzul can plan things out years in advance for personal goals but his traveler life style has lent him more to going with the flow. Uzul might lighten peoples day but that's about it now. In his younger days he could rally other orcs into a frenzy when he was a captain but that charisma died off in him years ago. He has a bit of an easier time making friends but his scars and stature usually acts as an effective deterrent to other races. Uzul has a dad sense of humor and is the first to laugh at his own jokes. The years of travel have weathered him, his base energy seems like he needs coffee or a nap. He can get pretty excited when in battle or when learning something he didn't know. Third paragraph(or list.) include: What's in the Brain. You can not be amazing in all four. Uzul tries to keep himself busy. This is partly to how he sees time but it can be mostly contributed to his past trauma. When he is not keeping himself active him mind wanders to old battles, old mistakes, lost loved ones. His smile seems to fade as he starts to stare off into the distance. He usually ends up working until he feels exhausted to avoid dreaming and lying in bed with his own thoughts for too long. He sees these lingering pains to be the cost for his greed, a pain that he earned. [/hider] [hr] [b]Background[/b] [b]Occupation[/b] Traveler, Former Captain in Dugmaghord [b]Living Immediate Family Members:[/b] None [b]Dead Immediate Family Members:[/b] Shel(Wife), Rhab(First Son), Guduk(Second Son), Seigan(Daughter) [b]Current Companions:[/b] None [b]Current and Past Lover(s):[/b] His wife [b]History[/b] [hider=Uzul's Backstory] [hider=Uzul's Youth] Uzul was born in Dugmaghord under the rule of Pâsh. His mother wasn't fond of Uzul's father so she held some resentment to the young orc. Uzul was born a runt, which displeased his mother as well. Uzul found himself mostly on his own in the tribe, fending for himself. The lack of community he felt at a young age had him searching for acceptance in his community. A surefire way would be through combat but he was small, diminutive even, compared to the other adolescent orcs. He could understand combat well, the ebbs and flows of combat being easily ascertained by Uzul through watching the fighters in the pit. Not having the ability to fight like the other orcs, Uzul found himself training by himself in solitude. He would run through fight after fight in his head to learn what he could from them. But when training in nature, he found himself being pulled away from training and absorbed into his surroundings. The dessert was alive with all sorts of life and he found himself at peace just existing with it. The peace never lasted very long, Uzul was prone to be bullied by the other orcs. He would of course try to fight against them but he could never win against their numbers or size. He was always so angry at that. Uzul could track what they were doing and even could predict what they would do but it was never enough. Uzul would lay there, wishing he was stronger. As the other orc children quickly shot up in size he stayed mostly the same, growing years after they did. Uzul kept training to himself, staying to the outskirts of Dugmaghord. Nobody bothered him anymore and he preferred it this way. The more isolated lifestyle was more calming to him. Years after the other orcs had grown, Uzul finally began to grow. Uzul grew to be massive, being taller than most orcs, and his frame was massive. The muscles he developed as a child were nothing to what was growing in now. He kept training as he grew, trying to quickly get used to his body. With how large his body as he was in a new position. Uzul always considered leaving Dugmaghord but with his diminutive size, it would have been a death sentence. Now he could leave if he wanted to. For days he weighed his options and what would happen. Uzul decided he wanted to get even before he leaves. Get back at the people who wronged him as a child. He knew his actions were petty and that did weigh on him. But the catharsis Uzul believed he would feel if he beat them all was too tempting. He knew it would be difficult to beat them. Uzul has never won a fight, and he would be going against people who are still trying to prove their strength. He began to plan his strategy on how to defeat them. Some of the orcs were close so if he attacked some of them he would risk being grouped up on. After a few days of research and thought, Uzul found his first target. He chose not to raid and instead hunt animals. He apparently almost died during his first real raid and that scared him off. The others had continued raiding and were most likely better than him in skill. Uzul decided to track him down as he was hunting and challenge him while he was cleaning his mark. The fight wasn't easy for Uzul. Uzul had never had a weapon nor did he have much time to get used to his body. But in the end, Uzul won when he broke the hunter's ribs. Uzul first win was almost intoxicating to him. He thought about leaving his unconscious body but this area was too dangerous to leave what would be an easy meal. He carried him to the closest hut. The rest of his plan happened quickly, maybe only taking place over a week or two. People hearing about the runt beating someone in a fight piqued the interest of some of the younger orcs who grew up with him. Uzul's small hut near the outskirts was starting to be frequented by curious people. Most were the older orcs who were just wondering if the rumors were true that little Uzul grew massive. Others were here to mess with him, those people he fought on the spot. He couldn't stand to be disrespected anymore. His size was useful but even more useful was his mind for battle. Most of them had styles that had exploitable weaknesses, leaving an opportunity for Uzul to capitalize. Uzul wasn't fully developed and his actual experience was severely lacking. Each fight hurt, none of them were easy fights. But as time went on Uzul figured things out and by the end of his plan he had beat most of the younger orcs that grew up with him. Satisfied with himself, Uzul prepared to leave Dugmaghord behind now that he had his revenge. But that is when things changed. He earned people's respect. They no longer found him to be a weak runt that didn't deserve any time. Instead, Uzul was invited to drink, spar, and even offered him to go on the next raid. They even gave him a set of gauntlets assuming that was his preferred weapon. The acceptance he was experiencing was something he had always wanted. He couldn't let go of it, he gave in to the new feeling of comfort he felt. Uzul was steadily raising his standing in Dugmaghord. Participating in raids and finally enjoying his life. Killing random people was not particularly enjoyable but at the time it was part of what he and Dugmaghord does. As Uzul's ego continue to grow, he started to plan even further heights for himself. He believed he had the potential to one day become Grand Chieftain, to kill the Pâsh himself. Uzul knew to accomplish that he would need years of preparation to even attempt this. During this time he kept his goal completely to himself. Uzul trained himself to be able to fight almost any orc. He learned how to fight even those who obtained powers from their hunt. Uzul was determined to find how far he could go without taking the gaining new powers from the hunt. Most fly squishers could be conquered without much effort. Most of the captains and all of the chieftains were too strong at the moment. But Uzul knew with more training and bulking they should be conquerable. He wasn't in a hurry to be the best. He knew that with careful planning and dedication he would make everyone fall. He had given himself 40 years to set his plan to defeat Pâsh in motion, until then he would prepare. [/hider] [hider=Meeting Shel] Maybe 10 years after that he was in the forest near the desert. Uzul always found himself there whenever they were near. He found the forest to be so much more alluring than his desert home. He appreciated each piece of greenery and all that it had to offer. At this point, if he says he was going out it was respected. However, as he was appreciating nature he heard a voice behind him. As he turned he didn't see anyone. On instinct he looked down just in time to get hit in the face by some sticky moss, blinding him. As he shifted himself to get ready to fight he felt his leg get tripped as he fell to the ground. Uzul was finally able to get the moss off of his face only to be kicked in the face by a boot. He finally rose to his feet and scanned for the person who humiliated him. What he found was a female orc on the shorter side with long, well-kept hair. She was slightly laughing at Uzul as he still laid there on the ground. Uzul rose quickly ready to fight her, believing this to be a challenge but she was already walking away by then, humming a small tune as she left. Uzul contemplated continuing the fight but felt it was best if he left things as is. Driven by a sense of embarrassment and cautiousness, He found himself trying to observe and research her. He found out her name was Shel and she joined the tribe recently. He was suspicious of her from the start and he was determined why she attacked him and walked away. As he continued to research Shel, Uzul found that she was more dangerous than he could imagine. Her wit was her main attribute about her. She would verbally spar anyone, leaving them flustered and defeated. She attempted this a few times with Uzul but it usually ended in a draw in Uzul's opinion. That is until she would turn and start humming that same tune from when they first met like she was constantly holding his past blunder over him. Each time he would get flustered and turn away. Uzul was determined to outwit her in some way, to take back his dignity that she took. Uzul failed miserably each time. He thought about challenging her to a duel after the first dozen of attempts but he would always restrain himself from that. He knew that beating her in combat wouldn't give him the satisfaction he wanted. Even when Uzul created situations that heavily favored him, Shel would still turn the tables on him. As frustration built after every loss there was also a growing respect for her. As their battle of wits continued for years, Uzul became more accepting that he would never best her. One night over some drinks, after another successful raid he finally admitted that he would never be able to best her. Shel laughed at first, then changed a bit more serious, asking if they will continue their games. Uzul was caught off guard, then he realized that only he had cared about beating her. He couldn't stop laughing that night over how stupid he was. That was the night Uzul finally felt he had a true friend. As the years went by Uzul's desire for power slowed down. He had attained a level of fear and respect that most orcs have never felt. He was not the strongest orc but he had started to feel that with time he would become the strongest. As Uzul stopped constantly pushing himself to further heights, he was able to focus on other aspects of life, like family. Uzul never considered family to be a thing for him as he had concluded in his younger days that he was going to leave Dugmaghord, isolating himself. But now he was someone here. He tried for a more intimate relationship with Shel and although she wanted to try as well it was awkward in the beginning. Arguments were constant as they realized how truly obstinate they were. Uzul thought of calling it quit more times than he liked to say. But there was a part of him that believed she was the only one for him. He started to temper himself and try to be more cooperative. It wasn't perfect but they could manage to stay together As they worked through their issues together, Uzul started to understand other sides of Shel. Some of them seemed contrary to her outward confidence. It was surprising at first to see someone you saw as so strong have a weak side. Even after all this Uzul had a hard time showing someone his weakness willingly. It wasn't a lack of trust but Uzul's own hatred of his perceived weakness in his past. He felt that he needed to open up to her as well, he felt obligated to after sharing her own weaknesses. They were near the forest where they first met and Uzul thought being alone where they first met would give him the courage he needed. As he looked at the forest, he could already feel himself relax. It took some time but he was able to let her know of his life before they met. He laid out his past gripes, his hate that he still held onto, and his true ambition to her. He expected some light-hearted teasing to help lighten the mood. Instead, she addressed each one with confidence and grace, never faltering or creating doubt in Uzul. In the end, they simply went home. Uzul believes that was the true day he fell in love with Shel. [/hider] [hider=Changing Times] It wasn't long after that they had their first child Rhab. Rhab was closely followed by his little brother, Guduk, and then by his little sister, Seigan. When they were born Uzul promised himself that he would be a better parent than his and that he would do his best to protect them. He trained them as they grew and, with the help of his wife Shel, taught them to be intelligent and independent people. Uzul's mentality shifted to thinking of his life for them rather than his own and as such he couldn’t run around punching everything in front of him. He quickly picked up a spear and other long weapons and in all honestly Uzul became a much more formidable opponent. He still had hopes of succeeding Pâsh but now it seemed less important after each year he was able to live with his family. Things that didn't bother Uzul in the past started to make their way to the front of his mind. He had slaughtered many people in his life at the time. Sometimes it was a fight against warriors, other times it was just a mother trying to protect her children from the invading orcs. He had never questioned if what he was doing was okay. It was just a thing that was part of the nature of battle. Nightmares started to come to him as the weight of his past actions stayed in his mind. It wasn't until after another night of restless sleep that he looked at his kids playing and he realized how it would feel to watch his own children be massacred. The remorse he felt for the families he ruined had a profound effect on Uzul's way of thinking. Uzul was sickened with himself and tried to change himself. If Raiding was to be part of his life at least he could do it in a way that he could go home and look at his kids. From then on whenever he raided he didn't allow the needless killing of non-combatants. If someone stepped out of line he would publicly beat the orc to an inch of their life and all those who just watched would be given the same treatment. He watched all his children grow up into fine adults. They were all as strong as body as they were of heart. Uzul was proud to call them his children. Rhab was trying to grow into a leader and learn from others as much as he could. Guduk was in love with fighting. He purely focused on growing stronger while holding back some nastier tendencies that usually showed up in orcs. Seigan was content to be a hunter and was more interested in the natural world like Uzul. Although she was the youngest and weakest she was always bossing her brother's around. Uzul kept worrying if he forgot to teach them something important but Shel would always wave away his worries. [/hider] [hider=The Decision] Life seemed to slow down for a few years until a report came in. A Hammer Tail was spotted only a day away from where they were after a raid. Uzul was dumbfounded that a Hammer Tail would be found this far out. He sent his son Guduk to scout out the situation and by the end of the night, he was able to confirm from the tracks and destruction that it was indeed a Hammer Tail. A Hammer Tail was the creature he believed would give him the best chance of beating a Pâsh in single combat. His waning passion for besting the Grand Chieftain in single combat began to burn again. But he tried to calm himself, they had just completed a raid and his men should be tired, he shouldn't push them so hard. He retired for the night with his wife and talked about how excited he got in the moment. That this could be his chance but that he couldn't risk the raiding party. Moments later, his daughter, Seigan, asked for him and Shel to come out of their tent. As he left, he saw the raiding party already packed up and wielding their weapons. At first, he was worried of a coup but this was different they were quiet. Rhab walked forward announcing that everyone here was ready to go on a hunt for the Hammer Tail. Uzul was shocked he tried to lower the energy in the raiding party to help get them to see how ridiculous it was to go out and hunt the beast. But he couldn't stop the group. Even Shel believed that if the group wants to go on the hunt with him then he should accept and lead confidently. Uzul's objection changed after some arguing and he agreed to go on the hunt. As he retreated to his tent to prepare again there was a part of him that was actually very excited by this. The raiding party trusted him and would go on the hunt for his benefit. He was truly grateful for this moment. He geared up and performed the ritual to take the magic of the creature he defeats. This would be the most important fight of his life. They headed off towards the beast, marching through the night to keep on its track. It took three days for them to spot the Hammer Tail. It seemed to be in good condition, odd considering where it was but it wasn't the matter. With the strength of the Raiding group, Uzul was confident that they could kill it. They began to surround it to jump and quickly target its legs to immobilize it. The raiding party waited for Uzul's command to rush. This was it. Uzul gave the signal. Uzul was part of the frontal force against the creature. As he rushed in the other orcs followed. The fight was quickly a blur as sand and dust were kicked up into a cloud. It was hard to tell what was going on but he could hear the monster's screams as well as the screams of his own men. Uzul tried his best to finish it as quickly as he could but the beast was outrageously tough. Each strike would hurt Uzul's arms and he felt as if nothing was giving. The fight lasted for so long he couldn't remember as he entered the zone, focusing on his opponent fully. But finally, Uzul was able to drive his spear into the skull of the creature, killing it. He screamed a guttural victory shout and expected to hear the same from his party. But there was silence. [/hider] [hider=The Outcome] The dust started to settle and Uzul could finally make out the carnage. Some were alive, most were a mangled lump of flesh that died from the impact of the creature. Uzul dashed to one of the survivors trying to see how he could help but it was beyond treatable, all there was left was to die. The orc couldn't speak all she could do was stare at Uzul he let him down gently as he could maybe save a few. As he went from survivor to survivor, Uzul could feel his very soul being wretched as he watched the men he lead all dying around him. He held his composure until he came across Gruduk. As Uzul went over to check on his son he could see the blood coming from his mouth. He went to hold his son as he realized that Gruduk had a concaved abdomen. His back was crushed by the hit. There was no surviving this wound. Uzul held his son as he passed away, unable to help him. It was hard to let go of Gruduk but Uzul knew that there might be other survivors. One by one he checked. They were either dead or dying, the blows smashed their bodies into pulp. He eventually came across Seigan, she was dead by the time he got there. Her head was removed from the nose and above. He found Rhab lying next to a rock, there was a blood trail leading there like he pulled himself away from combat. He finally found his wife Shel. She had seemed like she died from being stepped on. No chance to say goodbye to anyone as he stood there surrounded by his dead family. He couldn't process what happened and just began to cry. He cried until he passed out. As he awoke he was tired, he looked around at the dead and realized that they should be buried. It was the least he could do. Some birds and other insects had already started to eat at some of the dead. There was nothing he could do but make their graves. He spent four full days digging graves and burying them. In the end, he just felt numb, he didn't want to return to Dugmaghord, he couldn't. So he just picked up his spear and tied his gauntlets to his side and went wandering the desert. [/hider] [hider=The Wanderer] Years went by and he met no one. If he saw some orcs he would simply turn around and walk away. But one day he stumbled upon some dwarfs fighting a giant spider and at this point losing. Uzul started to turn away from them until he noticed some women and children in one of the carts. A rage built in him as he let out a war cry and fought the spider. The battle was tough but at this point, he has fought dozens of these creatures. At the battle he turned to the dwarfs, expecting them to be terrified at his brutishness. Instead, he was greeted with appreciation from some very tired dwarfs. They invited him to come to their caravan. He was hesitant but he was tired from the fight as well. The women and children were scared of him but the women did their best to hide it. The leader of the caravan said they were transporting some materials and were just trying to make their way across the desert. Uzul warned them that this area is filled with spiders and that they would be better readjusting their course for a few days to avoid them. He said they would have if they didn't lose some of their supplies to another spider maybe 3 days ago. Uzul shook his head in a way that disheartened the dwarves of their chances of surviving this journey. The leader tried to quickly remedy this by hiring Uzul to finish seeing them through the dangerous parts of the desert. He wanted to say no but he couldn't when he thought of what the fate of the children would be if he left. There was no discussion of pay and frankly, he had no use for money. And from there he protected the caravan for around a week. He kept a distance from them feeling that it made some of them tense to have an orc near them. It was understandable. They have or probably known someone affected from an orc raid. Each day was a fight of some creature. Uzul didn't think much of what it meant to help them at the time but towards the end of the travel, he felt a purpose in it. He felt that he had found a way to lighten his guilt even if it was slight. Towards the end of travel, they offered to give him some cloth. Uzul tried to refuse but they weren't having it. He gave in and fashioned a new cloak that he still wears. To this day, Uzul still makes a habit of helping whoever wants to journey through the desert. He became a known figure for his expert navigation in the desert and near the badlands. He never tried to particularly go near the badlands but now and then there would be some adventurous soul who would try to lead an expedition into it. Most turn back the second they get a real glimpse of it. Some try to stay in it for a few days. And the unlucky never make it back. Uzul knows that place is not meant to be traveled. [/hider] [/hider] [hr] Combat and Magic: After defeating the Hammer Tail, Uzul absorbed its power and became more durable. His skin became like hardened stone, able to deter most attacks Strength: 10 Speed on Land: 7 Speed in Air: 0 Magical Ability: Dexterity: 7 Weapon Proficiency: 10 Stealth: 2 [/center] [/hider]