[center] “Ultron? You’ve been beaten several times by a team that encompasses about all the skills of the people here, including my own. Stay in your lane and work with the team, and then you can go back to your power fantasy of the day. Superman, as well, can most likely locate and destroy your central core easily. I do not know if you have been humbled in your time, but know you are not as strong as you think you are. However, you are welcome to aid in the overarching planning as I intend to do.” [/center] [center] Otto then turned to the transforming cat. “Then do as you will do long as you work in the team to the necessary purposes. I won’t stop you from taking orders from another, so long as you are willing to play ball.”[/center] [center] Finally, Spider Man addressed the crowd as well. “I will be taking over an advisory capacity from LexCorp myself given my technological prowess, so expect any similarly skilled persons to be seconded to my workshop as needed. I, and any other skilled inventors, will serve as technical support. If there is a gadget constructed it will be created, if there is surveillance equipment to maintain it will be maintained. But do not think I will sit in some ivory tower, no, I just merely wanted to explain any absences. Once again, if my direct intervention is required I will directly intervene.” [/center] [center] [@ClownTown] [@Thatguyinastore] [@Starmaker] [@Everyone] [/center]