Yin was confused why these people were here, though at the same time she didn't feel too... Threaten, at least not by them. It was a strange feeling, almost familiar? But there wasn't really any time to question it. Soon a loud, ear piercing screech ripped through the air. Yin looked around scared before glancing back to Tamzen. [color=00a651]"I... I don't know how to fight. But I know how to hide."[/color] The church wasn't a very great place to hide as it was quite open, lacking doors and most of it's roof. Yin ran out of the ruined temple and the others would feel themselves get pulled alongside her. Yin moved somewhat quick, but it helped that she was very light and spry. She ran out of the temple and looked around for a place to hide. Lots of ruins that wouldn't provide much cover, but there was a well in the distance. Yin could potentially hide down there, assuming there wasn't anything lurking within. But as the young woman was running towards the well, the others would see something in the sky. The shadow it cast looked like a woman... But the physical body was that of a [url=https://5e.tools/img/bestiary/MM/Peryton.jpg]monster[/url]. The creature was about 200 feet away, and flying towards Yin. She dove behind a wall and held her breath, hoping the beast hadn't spotted her. However from the way it was flying closer, it may be too late for Yin... But not for the spirits. Though they couldn't stray far from her, they were unimpeded by the physical barriers around her. They were able to phase out of the wall and floor, and the weapons on their back had weight and heft to them. Even if Yin could not fight, perhaps these spirits could. Or at least do something to help Yin escape this flying beast, as her heartbeat and heavy breathing was revealing her position to any creature with keen senses.