[center] [img] https://c.tenor.com/KihmygLmxnYAAAAd/cereza-bayonetta.gif[/img] [color=0054a6][h1]Bayonetta[/h1][/color] [hr] [color=0054a6]"Well, seems [i]someone[/i] has to put a naughty boy in his place."[/color] Bayonetta chirped as the group split themselves into teams, standing near the group that'd called themselves [b][u]Strike Team.[/u][/b] Though she was a woman of many talents, perhaps it'd be better to leave the punishments to those who had the stamina for them. It seemed she was far from alone on strike team, with a good number of the group deciding they'd be better left to actually fighting Superman than planning things out. Including [color=a2d39c]a white-haired woman[/color] who seemed to....recognize her? Well, it wouldn't be the first time [color=9e0b0f]someone with white hair[/color] had done something like this. [color=0054a6]"A fan? I suppose my work doesn't go unnoticed after all."[/color] She purred in response, though if [color=a2d39c]said woman[/color] were to look at Bayonetta's face, she'd see that her smile had sunken a little. That tone didn't seem like the voice of someone seeing someone she admired, no. It sounded like greeting someone she knew. And here she'd thought she'd left the memory troubles back home. Well, people always seemed to overpack for their trips, didn't they? The [color=a2d39c]white-haired woman[/color] seemed to content herself with asking another member of the group on what team they'd find themselves with, leaving the [color=0054a6]Umbra Witch[/color] to ponder that alongside the[color=ed1c24] dark-haired man who'd claimed to be an angel[/color]. He...certainly didn't look like any member of the [color=fff79a]Laguna[/color] she'd ever met, besides [color=fff79a]the shape-shifting seraphim that'd called themselves Joy.[/color] But [color=fff79a]Joy[/color] weren't winged as far as she knew, and any tell of [color=fff79a]angels[/color] that'd managed to slip out of [color=8493ca]Purgatorio[/color] was lost on her. Perhaps she was overthinking this. She'd seen things happen in this office alone that escaped anything [color=0054a6]a witch[/color], [color=aba000]a sage[/color], [color=a0410d]an infernal[/color], or even anything beneath the umbrella of the [color=fff79a]Laguna[/color] could do. Wherever these people had come from, perhaps some of those places didn't have [color=fff79a]angels quite as ugly and unpleasant as the ones she'd put out of their misery[/color]. It didn't mean she'd completely take this man at his word straight away, or even take her eyes off granted what he claimed was true, but it would be the conclusion she stuck to for now. It seemed that was the type of compromise she often had to make in her line of work, didn't it? Nonetheless, it'd be for the best that she wasn't a complete stranger to the ones she'd be fighting alongside. [color=0054a6]"Have you seen the pigs flying today? I seem to have finally met an angel I'm not at odds with."[/color] She piped towards Lucifer, initiating conversation in between the repetitive clicks from her heels as she approached him. [@Thatguyinastore] [@TheElenaFisher] [@ratKing] @striketeampeople [/center]