[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210705/ffa3249e7c73cd1e7704b2273a177590.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Xarum45.png[/img][/center] [color=E795F9][b]Time:[/b][/color] Dusk [color=E795F9][b]Location:[/b][/color] River Port [color=E795F9][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Annya [@princess] Saoirse [@Potter] Ismael [@Th3King0fChaos] Kharne [@Kazemitsu] Arn [@Omni5876] [color=E795F9][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] Kaleb [@FunnyGuy] [color=E795F9][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [hider]Backpack Mace Knife Lipstick Face powder Mascara Eyeliner Wallet Water bottle Notepad Posters Pictures Mirror Sewing kit Double sided tape Skittles Almonds Gum Brush Cellphone Headphones Glue Disguise ring [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/20/9c/84/209c844b3d5d670fef6ca7e7571dab7b.jpg]Appearance with disguise ring[/url] [url=https://imgur.com/q8olFH0]Outfit[/url][/hider] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CdzMC70.png[/img][/center] [hr] Raven had glanced over the outfits when they had gotten to the shop and had considered for a moment asking for the second one, but then decided against it. She wasn’t entirely interested in the outfits at all. Or perhaps she just wasn’t in the right mindset for shopping for clothing. Besides it seemed like the man at the stall was going to be a bit of a pain. She just focused on ignoring him, having quite a bit of practice at doing so, but it seemed her companions weren’t about to. Raven knew sometimes it was good to speak up and then other times it was better to just ignore them. The drunk man was hard to read so Raven chose to ignore. Shae decided on an outfit and Raven just stood there staring at people walking by. For a brief moment she could have sworn she saw Kaleb Carter, a famous actor she actually enjoyed and had once gotten an autograph from. He’d stepped out of the spotlight for awhile due to “personal reasons”. She remembered hearing something about a family member of his dying. Her heart had broken a bit for him when she’d heard that rumor. Her brows furrowed in confusion, supposing it could be possible. She watched the direction he’d gone, making note of it to potentially investigate further, when her attention was caught by Kharne and Ismael heading towards them. She didn’t look at them for long, however, as a scene began unfolding between her companions and the shopkeep. It seemed that the shopkeep had offended Annya once again and she proceeded to roast him severely. While the roast was phenomenal, Raven wished she would have just let it go and left. The worst seemed to happen as the man broke his liquor bottle, grabbed a club, and seemed to be heading for them. Anger rose in Raven, but she pushed it aside as she decided to try and find words to calm the situation. Before she could, however, Saoirse began approaching the man. Raven watched in horror as more violence ensued. Shae threatened the man and then Ismael spoke up, but Raven barely heard him as she finally snapped. [color=E795F9]”Saoirse STOP IT!”[/color] She screamed at the girl, fury clear on her face as she completely forgot Shae hadn’t wanted her name actually said. [color=E795F9]”I am sick and tired of all the violence today! All you had to do was disarm him, you didn’t have to go this far and threaten him! It’s no better than him!”[/color] She then whirled on Annya. [color=E795F9]”And you!”[/color] She pointed at the princess, briefly noting a dwarf approaching her. [color=E795F9]”Why antagonize him? He’s obviously a drunken idiot, it’s better to ignore him! Better yet, we go find a different shop and not give him our business if his comments bothered you that much!”[/color] She then closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she heard the dwarf ask his question of Annya. She decided to take this as an opportunity to clear her head. [color=E795F9]”Congratulations dude, you found her.”[/color] She said to the dwarf before glancing at her other companions. [color=E795F9]”Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go take a walk and clear my head. Maybe find some alcohol and try to forget this entire fucking day. I can find my way back to the inn.”[/color] She said as she pushed passed Annya. Her hands were clenched into fists and trembling as she walked past Kharne, glancing at him briefly as if to say hi and then bye. She needed time to herself otherwise she was going to end up resenting all of her companions.