--Zi-O Wizard Armor-- Interaction:[@Thatguyinatore][@Attesa] [center][img]https://bbts1.azureedge.net/images/p/full/2015/12/BAN14828_o.jpg[/img][/center] "[color=ed1c24]Stand back![/color]" Sougo says, raising his hand to the side as a magic circle appeared in front of him. "[color=ed1c24][b]Big[/b], [i]please![/i][/color]" He chanted out as he put his arm through the circle, coming out as a giant fucking arm on the other side. This arm would easily lift the boulder, allowing the trapped girl to move as Sougo strained to hold it up. Even though his arm's now big, a boulder is still a boulder. Crushing it would risk her, too, so doing this should be enough for now.