[center] [h1][color=662d91]Yoshikage Kira[/color][/h1] [/center] Scarcely had Yoshikage Kira polished off his drink before this 'Superman' made his presence [i]flagrantly[/i] known to all involved, careening into a nearby building and bringing enough calamity for all to enjoy in his wake. Kira was relatively unperturbed, in comparison to all others involved; the battle was already lost if they could not keep their heads under pressure, and so, while the rest of them crammed themselves into the elevator like a horde of customers on Black Friday eagerly awaiting their next meaningless price gouge, Kira sidled over to the table and set down his glass, turning it in his hand so it best caught the evening light. Once that was finished, he proceeded to Mr. Luthor - a rapport was necessary, of course, if he was to avoid the watchful eyes of those who would disrupt his sleep. A reassuring hand on Mr. Luthor's shoulder and an encouraging word [i][color=662d91]"I'm sure you're in capable hands, Mr. Luthor. You needn't worry."[/color][/i] was all he could stomach before he felt bile rising in his throat and hurried toward the elevator. Kira stepped outside the building later than most others, squinting and holding a sleeve up to his mouth to avoid inhaling any smoke. He would have to approach this carefully, if he was to come out alive - and if all of the others rushing toward the disaster were being honest with themselves, they would likely have approached the situation just the same. Still, there was no time to ruminate upon lost causes. Noticing that most of them were busy with the building's front, Kira instead turned to the back, walking around the building and to the fire escape. A firm tug on the handle showed that it was closed, shut tight, and so Kira willed [b][color=662d91]Killer Queen[/color][/b] into action. His Stand delivered one firm underarm strike to the door, center mass, and it flew off its hinges with a firm dent put in its red metal finish. As [b][color=662d91]Killer Queen[/color][/b] dematerialised, Kira peered into the now open doorway, squinting and scanning the hallway for any signs of life with a surgeon's precision.