[color=deepskyblue][center][h1]Lionel Gift[/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vs1MJA1.png[/img][/center] [i]"So, did you hear about our newest scumbag? Supposed to have taken out an entire assault team before they got him." "Whoa. I mean, I guess plenty of these guys would have been capable of that, but not many would actually do it. That guy gives me the creeps more than any of these other freaks." "Yeah. He's certainly one of the craziest of all these fucking psychos. But despite how nuts he is, he isn't much of a threat in that cell of his. And believe you me, there are plenty of guys here who are more dangerous." "Really? That can't be right. I mean the guy's a raging makeup wearing maniac. What could be worse than that?" "Look man, you've only been here a couple weeks so I'm gonna give you a break. But you have to learn who the real threats are down here. It's precisely BECAUSE clownface is so unhinged that I'm not as worried about him. Some of these other guys, despite how fucked up in the head they are, are pretty damn smart. Scary smart, some of 'em. The worst ones have a habit of trying to get in your head." "What do you mean, get in my head? Like literally? Or just that psycho analyzing bullshit that the ones who think they're smart try to pull?" "Trust me, you don't ever wanna find out the answer to that question. Here, this one, Cell XIII. Did you notice how there wasn't a cell with that number among the general population? That's because this guy has been here for years. The nature of his abilities also mean he needs a special cell, with it's own special amenities and power cell. He is also one of the most dangerous of all of our inmates. I'd advise you not to speak to him, do not answer any questions he poses you, and don't even look at him for too long. His appearance may be shocking, but trust me, he can use that as a weapon as skillfully as that blade wielding freak uses his knives. Just give him the food and get out. Oh, and whatever else you do, do not under any circumstances let him touch you." "Oh..o-kay man. Whatever you say. Make it sound like there's a fucking monster in there but hey, even monsters can go down from enough bullets, eh?" ".....You would think so wouldn't you? Go on in. I've got the entrance."[/i] Lionel stood up, brushing the dust from the pant legs of his pants, his ear pulling away from where he'd been listening at the door. He heard the sound of the cell walls powering down. So, there was a new guard today? Marvelous. He would size him up. Decide whether he might be useful. Or perhaps whether he might be Worthy. It would be disappointing if he was neither, but then, Lionel prided himself on his patience. Besides, he could already surmise some things about the newest guard. Firstly, the guard was likely in his mid thirties by the tenor of his voice. Secondly, he spoke like a man who was used to violence, but did not revel in it. This suggested some sort of military or law enforcement background. Lionel was betting military, due to the way his voice had stayed even when talking about the violence, but there was a tremor in it when discussing the idea of someone getting inside his head. This was a man with some trauma in his past. Lionel was hoping he could use that. He backed away from the door and sat down quietly in a darkened corner. This damn cell. The walls were all electrified with a high voltage of electricity. The floor was always cold due to the stones under his cell being kept frozen by liquid nitrogen at all times. His ceiling had a super heated metal coil in it, but that fortunately only activated if he tried to phase through it. Luckily, he'd been provided with a comfortable enough pillow and blanket. He'd also managed long ago to convince one of the guards to regularly provide him with a change of clothing suitable to his desires. There was no way he was going to let his standards slip just because he was incarcerated here. Had it already been 14 years? Far too long to let his work go unfulfilled. Who knew how many Worthy had needed his salvation while he was gone? No, remaining here would simply not do. The door opened and the guard stepped through, a tray of vegetables, tofu and two hard boiled eggs in his hands. The door immediately closed behind him. At first he didn't see anything, then as his eyes adjusted to the gloom of the cell, he made out a small form in the corner. He immediately averted his eyes, focusing on the tray in his hands. They were already beginning to sweat from fear. What if looking at this guy could get you killed? He stared at the tray as he set it down, fighting the urge to glance back towards that far corner. He had turned to the door when he heard what was likely the most eerily out of place sound he could possibly have heard in that horrid place. [color=deepskyblue]"Mister? Won't you help me? They're keeping me locked up here. I miss my daddy. Why are they keeping me here?"[/color] The guard froze in place. A child. A little boy? It couldn't be. It just couldn't be. It had to be some sort of trick. [color=deepskyblue]"Mister? Please. Please help me get back to my daddy. I'm scared and hungry. They say I can't leave. I just want to go home."[/color] The guard's mind flashed back to a memory he'd never wanted to relive. He pounded twice high up on the door. The signal to let him out. [i]It's not a child. It's a monster. It's not a child, it's a monster. It's not a child, it's a monster. It's not a child, it's a monster.[/i] He thought that as hard as he could, still not daring to look at whoever was speaking. However, the voice was now closer, standing behind him as he faced the door. [color=deepskyblue]"Are you leaving me? Here in this scary place all alone? Daddy!"[/color] The voice began to cry pitifully and the guard gritted his teeth, pounding loudly on the door now, abandoning any code and yelling to his companion. "Get me the fuck out of here, man! LET ME THE FUCK OUT RIGHT NOW!" The door swung open and the guard dashed outside, the door slamming shut behind him. Moments later the familiar hum of electricity resumed its constant drone. Lionel stopped crying as soon as it did. A wide grin broke over his face. While that was one of his favorite tricks, it was far more useful a tool to gather information than to actually work as any kind of escape. He knew he couldn't risk trying to charm a guard outright. The last time he'd done that, Dr. Novis had had him burned alive. It had taken two whole years before his body reformed. They hadn't burnt him completely, merely down to a meaty char. Still, it had been quite painful and he wished to avoid those kinds of setbacks if he could. But this trick, it usually just caused the guards to go rigid and begin to second guess themselves. However, this new guard, he'd broken more thoroughly. That meant that the ploy was more effective because whatever trauma was in his past was brought back through his trick. If Lionel had to guess, he'd say the man either lost a young son or killed a young boy while deployed overseas. It didn't matter which. This guard would be a useful tool. Making his way over to his tray of vegetables, tofu and eggs, his stomach growled. An onion today? Now this was a treat. He was particularly fond of onions and asparagus in particular. Any other green vegetable was also acceptable. The eggs, however, were always his favorite part. He had seen a movie, years ago, where a famous actor was portraying a businessman named Louis. Louis had a line about how many religions believe that the egg is the symbol of the soul, proceeding to offer another character an egg. When the character refused, Louis bit into it, staring the other man in the eyes. It turned out later that Louis was Satan. Lionel had always loved that part. Such powerful symbolism, despite the nonsensical religious aspects. Lionel liked to imagine himself redeeming those souls from Satan when he ate an egg. Though of course, the heart of a Worthy was far more desirable. Still, this was an acceptable substitute. For now.