[h3]Voligan[/h3] [i]The Great Bearer of Lands, The Earthheart[/i] Aspect: Earth Vigor: 9 Voligan headed back to the Earthheart Mountain, finally able to finish what he had started there now that things had calmed down. Or, at the very least, things weren’t so violently exploding that he had to drop everything and run all at once. He checked on the dwarves that he had established. They were doing well so far. Exploring the cave systems that he had established for them and beginning to organize themselves. One of them had risen as a natural leader and was directing those around him as they others looked to him for answers and guidance. Yes, they were doing well. They needed just a touch of guidance to help them on their way. Voligan appeared in front of the dwarves as they went about their business, startling them as a vaguely humanoid rocky shape took form in front of them. They cowered before him, backpedaling from this faceless thing that looked over at them. Voligan held his hands out placatingly. “Do not be afraid. My name is Voligan, one of the Gods of the Monarch. I am here to help, and to teach you things that you will need to know if you are to thrive in this world.” Their leader pushed himself forward, looking up at Voligan. The fear was palpable in his eyes, but so too was the desire to protect those that were in his charge. Voligan was pleased to see that. The dwarf in front of him would be a good leader. “What makes you a god? What makes you worthy of teaching us anything, and why should we believe that you’re not going to harm us instead?” He challenged, his voice shaking only a little. Voligan didn’t reply. They were good questions, and the first one at least deserved only a demonstration. Voligan lifted his hand and the stone wall to his left melted away at his will, creating another long tunnel in the mountain. The dwarves all gasped and muttered amongst themselves, looking between Voligan and their leader. Voligan spoke before the leader could. “What makes me worthy of teaching you is the fact that I created you and all of your fellows. I know more of what is going on amongst the pantheon of gods and the world outside than you could ever hope to discover in your mortal lives. I created this mountain in which you live, and I will teach you things that will make you the undisputed masters of this mountain and the range beyond it. As for why you should believe I won’t hurt you,” Voligan shrugged, and a deep pit opened up between them before rapidly closing. “I could have harmed you all without you ever knowing I was here.” The dwarf nodded, slowly. The fear in his eyes wasn’t gone, but there was an understanding. Regardless of whether or not he trusted what Voligan was telling him was irrelevant. He didn’t have a choice but to go along with it, and he knew it. “Very well, Lord Voligan. Teach us.” Voligan chuckled, a sound like rocks tumbling together. “First lesson, do not call me Lord. I am not here to rule over you. What is your name?” The dwarf relaxed, if only slightly, at that news. “I am called Hema.” [hr] The dwarves turned out to be fast learners, once they got over their fear of him. They absorbed his lessons on the history of Galbar, as much as he knew at the very least, and hurriedly scratched crude renditions of the various creations, battles, and deaths onto the walls of a large cave. They did not want to forget the lessons and stories he had told them once he left. As quickly as they remembered and crudely recreated the stories of the gods, they also quickly picked up his lessons on how to make tools to shape the earth and how to make proper shelters that weren’t just what the caves naturally gave them. They chose the name for their group at his suggestion, naming themselves in honor of the god they lived atop of: The tribe of Aleth, or the Alethians. There was no discussion as to who would lead them, for they already knew. In all things, the dwarves looked to Hema for their cues and leadership. His direct challenges of Voligan had only solidified their choice in him. Voligan pulled Hema aside after the final lessons. “Your fellows look up to you as a leader, Hema.” The dwarf nodded watching as the others experimented with and techniques they had been taught. “Yes. Despite my protestations, they continue to look to me for decisions and then abide by what I suggest.” “Hmm. It sounds like you have been nominated as leader. You will need a title, and a symbol of power then.” Before Hema could protest, Voligan pulled a straight line of stone from the ground. “Yes, this will do nicely.” He held the line of rock in his hands and concentrated, forcing the dull and lifeless mineral to bend to his will and fill with his power. The stone shifted and glowed with power. Voligan adjusted it til the artifact was to his liking, shortening and widening it until a lightly shining pegmatite scepter was in his hands. He rumbled, pleased with himself and his work. “I proclaim you the first Shaper of Aleth. May you guide your people justly and well, Hema.” A thought occurred to Voligan as Hema took the scepter. There were no other gods who built things, he was sure. It was a role he enjoyed, and one that he could step into. If he proved his skill at creation to the Monarch. “I have to leave for now. I need to make requests of the Monarch of All, and he prefers the utmost respect and humility while in his presence. If you find yourself and your people in need of help, pray to me or whichever one of my siblings you think will help the most. The majority of us will answer and be helpful.” Hema nodded again, staring at the scepter in his hands. By the time he looked upwards to fully reply to Voligan, the god was gone. [hr] Voligan headed to the top of the Earthheart, where he was sure he would not be bothered. Before he could visit the Monarch with his request, he would need to prove his prowess. The Monarch would not willingly give up another one of his shards without proof that Voligan was deserving, afterall. Voligan summoned a countless number of metals, gems, and minerals around him as he pondered what he would make next. “Hmm. The Scepter was a fine start, but simple. I need something with more impact now. Something that isn’t just an extension of my own power.” The cloud of materials swirled around him, occasionally stopping as he peered closer at one thing or another before continuing. The light of the Tree of Harmony in the far distance caught his eye, and he was struck with an inspiration. Rapidly the materials all around him scattered away until he was left with metals and gems at his disposal. They spun around him, glowing with his power once more, as he spoke aloud and crafted them into shape. “Hmm. Mana is messy. Too many things that can go wrong, too much that is poorly defined. Something that can bring it into shape, no matter what is around or not around, is needed. Something that mortals can use reliably, without fear of their personalities or the nature of the realm around them changing things is what is needed.” By the time he had finished speaking, ten rings with ten gems were resting in the palms of his hands. Runes were carved into the bands, and each of the gems glowed lightly with an inner green fire. “Yes, these will do nicely for bringing order. But the mortals will have to earn them first, just as Hema earned his Scepter.” And he knew just the place to put the rings, waiting for a mortal to earn them. In his search for what was ultimately Ashevelen’s resting spot, he had passed by one of Astus’s Colossi, presumably destroyed by the blast. That would be a perfect place to put the rings, and let the mortals who found them earn their reward. Voligan was there in a flash, carefully putting his rings in the center of the Colossus. “May mortals find you quickly, and discover your use to them.” He paused, looking up through the ruined Colossus. “Hmm. Mortals and strength.” Another idea struck him in a flash and he was gone. Voligan returned to the top of the Earthheart, carefully pulling out the remnants of Aletheseus’s mask. It had been shredded by Iqelis and could no longer be used for its original purpose. But it could be crafted into something else, and Aletheseus’s will could live on in another way. The shredded mask began to glow a soft green as Voligan’s power filled it, and he slowly began to reshape it. This was connected to a divine, if deceased, being. Not only that, he wanted to get this perfect. Not just because the Monarch would be pleased with perfect work, but because Aletheseus, for all his faults, deserved an artifact that encapsulated him perfectly. The tears in the metal slowly sealed shut as the mask lengthened and the many spikes and curls came back into the main body. It curled into a simple band with softly glowing smokey blue lines running through it. Simple. Perfectly made. Perfect for Aletheseus. Voligan put the crown back into his body for safekeeping, and then looked up towards the Palace. “No time like the present, I suppose.” He hoped that his nervousness didn’t show through to the Monarch. And if it did, that it didn’t get mistaken for aggression. [hider=Summary] -Voligan, relieved that he he has time to do things now, heads back to the Earthheart. He briefly watches the dwarves he had dropped off there before revealing himself to them and beginning to guide and teach them. -He teaches them all the history of the world and the gods (that he knows), how to do basic survival things like forage and make a fire, and also how to make basic tools to shape the earth and bricks to make simple shelters. He also encourages them to pick a name for their tribe, and they choose to be called the tribe of Aleth. -During this he meets the de facto leader of the Alethians, Hema. Seeing that the tribe won’t choose anyone else, Voligan makes it official and gives Hema a fancy title (Shaper) and a fancy pegmatite scepter ([i]The Stone Scepter[/i]). As he’s making the artifact, Voligan goes ‘man, there isn’t any gods dedicated to this. And I like doing this. If I can prove myself, I’ll be able to get this job from the Monarch!’ -He leaves to the top of the Earthheart and, once he’s inspired, creates two more artifacts [i]The Rings of the Runemaster[/i] and the [i]Peculiar Crown[/i] -Confident that he has made enough things, he then heads up towards the Palace to meet with the Monarch and hopes that [s]King Daddy[/s] his creator and lord is in a good mood. [/hider] [hider=Vigor] -1 Vigor (reduced from 2 due to aspect: Earth) to teach the Alethians how to make basic earth shaping tools, how to use those tools, the basics of survival (make fire, forage, make shelter, etc etc) and how to make bricks to make sturdier shelters. -1 Vigor to create [i]The Stone Scepter[/i] an artifact that turns its wielder into a Champion (but they still grow old and die) that can manipulate things around them like they have Voligan’s aspect (not to anywhere near the same extent he does, but to a really powerful degree for mortals) -1 Vigor to create [i]The Rings of the Runemaster[/i] Ten rings that form one artifact that allows the user to use Rune Magic instead of accessing Mana in the area. It produces a more reliable form of magic that is less powerful that traditional magic. But you also don’t have to fight your personality, the nature of the land, the nature of what you’re trying to do, and all that jazz. -1 Vigor to create [i]The Peculiar Crown[/i] a crown made from Aletheseus’s mask that fills its wearer with the aspect of Fortitude, making them really tough, filled with endless stamina, and strong of mind as well making them immune to fear, despair, and domination by all but the divine. However, it forces the wearer to also protect and help the innocent whenever they can. 5 Vigor left. [/hider]