[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/mDSnD2c.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/qo2IV8m.png[/img][/center] [color=fff79a]Time:[/color] Dusk [color=fff79a]Location:[/color] Boardwalk in Riverport [color=fff79a]Interactions:[/color][@Potter] Saoirse [@Tae] Raven [@Omni5876] Arn [@Th3King0fChaos] Ismael [@Kazemitsu] Kharne [color=fff79a]Equipment:[/color][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/38/c3/d3/38c3d3fcc5b4134227300e07d742416b.png]Outfit visible from Disguise Ring[/url],[url=i.imgur.com/zp0T6mY.png]Armor(Not visible)[/url]; Chest plate is enchanted with Armor of Absorption, Map of Avalia, Water Flask, A bag of elf and demi-human ears and tails, Ama pouch with 2000 amas on hand, Three large red potions, Wayfinder, Hygiene supplies, Rose-scented Perfume, Location Sender, Shower Tube, Transmission Bracelet, Bedroll, Water Purifier,[url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/465770184003551242/863502652029009980/latest.png?width=517&height=669]Axes with returning enchantment,[/url][url=https://cdn141.picsart.com/314855750091211.png?type=webp&to=min&r=640]Her backpack[/url] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/9CtR5X4.png[/img][/center] Annya had rolled her eyes and planned to just ignore the man. They had a fun-filled night in front of them and no time for this crazy person. She went to pull Saoirse’s hand toward the inn when she suddenly started advancing back towards the shopkeeper. [color=fff79a]”Young lady! Return at once!”[/color]She had yelled after her but the human girl was in a blind rage. Annya was dumbstruck at Saoirse’s growing violent reaction, fumbling with the club that was thrown for a moment. Her eyes locked on the knife and she quickly made her way over as a crowd began to form and people started to gasp. [color=fff79a]”Are you insane!?”[/color] As Saoirse was glancing up at her, she pulled her to her feet none too gently. She matched her cold look with her own. Though she was happy the young girl could clearly defend herself quite well and was immensely skilled, Annya did not want her to unnecessarily hurt others just because they left a bad taste in her mouth. Ismael’s voice commanding voice filled the air, sharing the same sentiment as Annya. She nodded to him, saying in a hushed voice sternly to Saoirse so only the two of them could hear. [color=fff79a]” I don’t know what kind of place Earth is, but here in Avalia we have rules and they are enforced. It is not allowed to just randomly attack people. You are lucky the enforcement team is not already upon you.”[/color] A nearby person began to help the groaning, terrified shopkeeper up and she glanced at them. She rummaged quickly for a few amas in her bag and handed them to the random nearby person, [color=fff79a]” Please get this pathetic man to the healing center.”[/color] A young dwarf with a very impressive red beard moved into her vision as she was watching the drunken fool be dragged off. She gave him a comforting smile as the lad stammered with his words. He had kind eyes and she did not want to take out her anger on him. She had hoped the dwarves would side with them in this war but was perplexed as to why and how they found her. She sighed, letting free some of her tension as she gently replied, [color=fff79a]” Yes darling I am. Are you a representative sent to speak with me perhaps?”[/color] Though she had hoped the fiasco would end, Raven decided to flip out too. She glanced at the girl, and shook her head, speaking to them all with her reply, [color=fff79a]”Raven, Saoirse. Standing up for yourself is very important. I will not apologize for making sure you are both verbally treated kindly in this world the best I can. Obviously, I will not agree with Saoirse’s violent actions, but I will also not apologize for my peaceful response, Raven. It is unfair to blame me for his wrong actions. Now handle yourself with class and dignity and stop screaming. ”[/color] She blinked in surprise as the girl actually tried to leave to go off on her own, exclaiming, [color=fff79a]"Raven! Are you serious! You can't just go off on your own in a place you don't know!"[/color] Annya’s initial respect for the two girls dwindled a little. Both of them were clearly over-emotional and unstable. It was necessary to consider holding off on magical training until the two could become more rational-minded, but she supposed they truly were just children and it couldn’t be helped. Annya stood up rapidly to go after Raven, only for the crowd to close in tightly front of her as more gathered to see the fiasco. A cluster of voices crowded the air but the sound of someone calling for a guard could be heard. Annya quickly turned to the others. [color=fff79a]”Young dwarf, let us meet for breakfast at Surfside Cafe tomorrow morning at nine. I have a responsibility to these girls. Please enjoy the company of my friends Ismael and Kharne. “[/color] She gestured to Ismael and then Kharne, [color=fff79a]”Kharne I am very grateful for your aid. I will reimburse your purchases tonight for young Ismael. Saoirse and I are going to go try to catch Raven. You know how to reach me.”[/color] With that, Annya led Saoirse quickly through the crowd to get away from that area and to go looking for Raven.