[center] [h1] [color=0054a6]Cloud Strife[/color][/h1] Everyone was already rushing to help, everything seemed to be chaos. Not surprising that Sephiroth said "fuck you, you're on your own pal," and just left. A major annoyance, but it's not like they would ever work together anyways. The moment they worked together hell would freeze over. Though lucky for Cloud he was offered a ride, one he can't refuse. The Mercenary took Shezos hand in an instant and pointed up to the roof of a tall building with a frown. [color=0054a6]"Get me up there, I think I can get to him from there. If not he will find me just fine."[/color] Cloud was going to get Supermans attention and use it to draw him out of hiding. He may look small, but the merc could pack a punch that could even stagger Sephiroth. All he needed was to stagger Superman and it was all over. If he got flung off the building? It'll be fine, worse comes to worse Sephiroth saves his ass and scolds him or something. That or they play a game of super powered ping pong with Cloud as the poor ball, but he doubted it would come to that. [color=0054a6]"I could probably use the assistance if you aren't going to save any of the people."[/color] There was no way to tell Supermans power until he actually fought him, and even then Cloud had a feeling he would do just fine. Just keep blocking until there's an opening and then strike, no way this man would be immune to the Buster Sword while it was full of Materia. That thing could hit even the beefiest of bosses, why would this guy be any different? Superman his ass, this guy was about to become Super fucking Dead if he didn't stop. [hr] [h1] [color=ed1c24]Lucifer Morningstar[/color][/h1] From the looks of things Lucifer didn't really need to help any civilians, the others had that covered just fine. Now was the moment to actually find Superman and kick his ass. Two flying, super powered beasts of man. Except Lucifer was immune to pretty much everything that wasn't holy or demonic in nature. If anything it'll be like a normal hit to a normal person, no worries about being beat to a pulp- at least so far. Lucifer could hold his own, if he's lucky someone will come help him. Though for now he has one mission and he had to do it quick. The angel climbed higher in the air, trying to see as much as possible as he scanned the area. Where ever the Superdouche may be hiding, the glint off the devil's bright white feathers was sure to catch someone's eye. Even if it meant taking a hit from Superman, all Lucifer needed was a location so he could attack. He's probably one of the few that could actually fly, and also one of the few with strength that might match their foes. But if he could have done it all himself, they would have called for just him. They didn't, so he had to use the others for help. Whatever help they could be... [color=ed1c24]"Okay you supermoron, come on out and let's dance. You know how rude it is to keep the devil waiting? Your manners have gone right out the window along with your sanity!" [/color] Insults weren't going to really work, but Lucifer had to anyways. Sure no one was around to hear his funny remarks, but what mattered to him is that he made them and he liked them. Any moment now the superfuck would show himself, maybe with lasers? A punch to his back? Maybe from under or above him? So many angles to cover and he was only one Angel, but he'd be fine.. right..? [/center]