[color=lightskyblue]π•Ž π•š 𝕝 𝕝 𝕠 𝕨[/color] β€œGET DOWN!” Danger close. Split second. Willow turns from staring out the window at the serpent-golem in bewilderment, towards a stunned Helen, some twenty feet away, behind the counter. She has no time to wonder about the creature. Instinct kicks in. She ghosts. She shoots from her seat - leaving her sketchbook on the table - soars across the cafe floor, phasing right through all the furniture and scrambling patrons. She makes a fast bend around the counter, recorporealizes mid-movement next to Helen, and uses her momentum to tackle her to the floor, right before- [i]BOOM. CRASH. SHATTER.[/i] An explosion of noise. Glass flies everywhere. The lights flicker. People are screaming. Willow holds onto Helen tightly for a moment after the impact. They’re both on the floor. Her heart is on the verge of jumping out of her chest from the rate of its beating. She finally raises her head and turns around, looking at the streetlamp that they have so narrowly avoided, penetrating the wall behind the counter. Willow can’t see anyone else from where she is. All she knows for sure is that Helen is safe. Or at least - safe as can be, with the golem still outside.