[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/692991109382668308/909347051190509578/MaishaArbintz.png?width=720&height=103[/img][/center][hr] Though his helmet hid his scowl, Maisha was clearly displeased by Ultron’s response, evidenced by his clenched fists and steady hold towards the droid. To call a Mandalorian being without a soul was a great insult, especially coming from such a soulless machine. This passive aggressiveness and sass only made Maisha distrust the droid more. Perhaps it was the way his vocabulizer was programmed, but the tone of the voice was purely malicious, more so than the cruel, spineless officers the Empire employed. The loathing the Mandalorian held was put on pause for a [i]brief[/i] moment as an explosion rocked the building, forcing Maisha to bend at the knees to stabilize himself. Right outside the excessively decorated office’s window, Maisha could see the telltale signs of an explosion several buildings away, with the debris still falling from the sky. Flying right there within view of LexCorp was a man in blue and red… No doubt Superman! Their target disappeared a few moments later, prompting the ragtag group’s employer to announce the obvious and send the group off to combat the threat. [i]Just their luck.[/i] Their target showed up before they even got the whole brief! Though Maisha would love to get this team more organized, he wasn’t going to let the opportunity of an easy bounty slip if possible. [hr] Maisha followed the others down to the street level to make their way towards the building. All the crowds tempted the Mandalorian to employ his jetboots, but to fight against a flying target, he knew he had to save as much fuel as possible. By the time they reached the building, they couldn’t see any trace of Superman. Being the father driven by reckless abandon for his daughter, Joel assumed their target was at the top and rushed into the collapsing building, joined by a walking fox and a man in armor more excessive than even Maisha’s. They had the rescue of civilians on their mind, a noble goal, but not the main task. The more cautious spider-themed man announced a slightly more reasonable plan, one that wasn’t that much different from Joel’s but more effective with everyone on the same page. Maisha followed the reasonable plan and switched on his jetboots to ascend the massive building with the assistance of his grappling hook. It was a rhythm of hook and boost up the side of the collapsing building that Maisha was quite familiar with. Though it wasn’t as fast as using a jetpack, this method of travel had the advantage of being more maneuverable at a moment’s notice. He followed the spider man up to where the building was destroyed and dangled against the window as he assessed the situation. Though the smoke and rubble filled the room, Maisha’s macrobinocular visor let him see right through the fog of war. After all, it was designed for this exact purpose. While the cyborg redhead announced the situation for the world to hear, Maisha took his own inventory of the scene. A number of masked men with rifles were holding a group of people hostage...though whether those below were truly hostages could not be determined for certain. This was all too suspicious; a hostage situation following an attack from Superman with the hostage-takers being perfectly fine and calm? There must be more to than meets the eye. Before any plan could be made, that redhead produced several flying swords to cut a hole into the building. Though not ideal, it was still an entry point and Maisha leapt through and walked through the smoke without an issue. His helmet’s filters and life support system kept him nice and comfortable while he operated in flaming environments, and guess where he was right now. Drawing out his carbine, Maisha began to take aim, just as the redhead announced herself and requested the freedom of the hostages. This would be really helpful if she let her team know what she was doing beforehand! The next couple of moments played out rather swiftly, with a white-haired woman teleporting in and slicing through several men like bread, the spider man using his webs to restrain two, and an unseen sniper blasting a hole in another. Time for Maisha’s entrance. Maisha exposed himself with a primed incendiary grenade in his hand and rolled forward a few feet to let it detonate just in front of him. He and the area around him were showered with blue burning gel, but he didn’t flinch as he began to open fire on the hostage-takers. The Mandalorian slowly advanced, highlighted only by the incendiary gel on his armor and the fluorescent paint that glowed a piercing cyan through the smoke. Short, rapid bursts of yellow blaster bolts screamed through the air and a cluster of smaller fires flew outwards from the advancing Mandalorian, followed by a concentrated burst of blue flames. All the while, his screams were distorted by his filters into an eerily approximation of a human voice, [color=13dddd][b][i]“Tracyn hettir’an! Hettir, HETTIR...HETTIR DRALSHY’A!!! Nau’ur te’ca!”[/i] (The fire burns all! Burn, BURN...BURN BRIGHTER!!! Light up the night!)[/b][/color] Maisha focused his blaster fire on two men who were a bit too close together while a small salvo of micromissiles darted towards another two men. For all the remaining men with rifles, Maisha let loose a burst of plasma from his gauntlet, not for any particular damage, but only for the psychological effect of a sudden fiery wall. His style was to mess with their heads as much as possible by creating the image of a burning demon ceaselessly advancing. By the time all the hostiles were either restrained or killed, the fire on Maisha had gone out and left a thick layer of ash on his armor. He approached the rifleman restrained with electricity just as the man with the buzzcut asked some interesting questions with an electrified fist. Maisha couldn’t help but join in, whipping out his vibro-axe and swung it around like a toy before blasting the head a few times with a little plasma fire. The Mandalorian knelt down and pointed the axe at the restrained man, [color=13dddd][b]“Nice to meet you. Name’s Maisha Arbintz and the armor needs no introduction. Would you be so kind as to answer our questions? If you don’t want to, that’s [i]completely[/i] fine. A superheated [i]kal[/i] will cauterize any cuts I make, so you won’t bleed to death any time soon. As an added bonus, I’ve heard that being cauterized [i]really[/i] hurts. Want to help me find out if that’s true? [i]Tayli’bac?[/i] (Understand? [Aggressive connotation])”[/b][/color] [hr][center][hider=Maisha Arbintz][color=13dddd][b]Location:[/b][/color] Exploded Building - Burning Room [color=13dddd][b]Physical Condition:[/b][/color] Fine, On Fire for a little [color=13dddd][b]Mental Condition:[/b][/color] Focused, Irked [color=13dddd][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [@ClownTown] (Dumb Ulti Boi) [@Thatguyinastore] (Joel-ronimo) [@Attesa] (Grey) [@SomeMekBoy] (Spider) [@Kagebaka] (Kamen Rider ZI-O/Pinochio) [@FactionGuerilla] (Cole MacGrath) [@TheElenaFisher] (Cereal) [@Lazaro1505] (Snipy Boi) [color=13dddd][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] [@Thatguyinastore] (Hostage-taker turned hostage) [@Kagebaka] (Pinochio) [@FactionGuerilla] (Cole MacGrath) [@TheElenaFisher] (Cereal) [@SomeMekBoy] (Spiderman) [@Lazaro1505] (Snipy Boi) [@Crow] (AMAZING) [/hider][/center]