[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/endurest-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211126/86c9492193844a3b834cea8ee1240c9f.png[/img][/url] [/center] [hr] [hr] Jack usually spent his mornings in the library. One may take a first impression of Jack and think he would avoid it like the plague. His very soul was one of academic exploration with hands-on experimentation and his image reflected that entirely. Unfortunately, with the night time power only restriction, Jack could not spend all his time in his ‘lab’ and had to settle for the same old books. There were few books on electronics in the library, far too few. But unlike other days, he had an issue that needed solving. The endeavours from last night had left Jack without some key components. One wrong wire placed and kapoof! The circuit was gone and he was lucky to get out of it with only slightly burnt hands. Jack was left without precious supplies while on the brink of a big breakthrough. This bothered him to no end. He was so close and yet so far away. And so, it was time to hit up the Rogues. Hopefully, they would have something of interest. Jack opened the doors to a popular Rogue hang out, some dingy bar that always had drinking occupants no matter what hour of the day it was. Dee was telling off the new Rogue recruits that joined them a while back. It wasn’t as if Dee getting angry at people or the recruits being dumbasses was uncommon. But Jack honestly just assumed they let recruits get away with whatever they wanted. It must have been something real dumb. Jack sat down at the bar next to Dee after her scolding display. He grabbed one of the empty cups on the counter and swirled it like a glass of whiskey. [color=008000]“Oh Ms Strideeerr, I’ve come across a bit of a shortage when it comes to components. You do any raids lately? Got a car radio maybe?”[/color] Jack asked in a playful manner, his questions delivered short and erratic. [color=008000]“And yes, I can take one with bloodstains and head-shaped dents on it.”[/color] [hr]