[center][img]http://pa1.narvii.com/6276/c2ec40e1267564be929e016baad061088884cbb3_00.gif[/img] [h3][color=964B00][u][i][b]Tess[/b][/i][/u][/color] Interactions: [@Thatguyinastore], [@Attesa], [@KageBaka], [@Second2Last], [@davefromdiscord], [@Crow], [@Paper94][/h3] [hr] Whoever this Joker was that the kid in the green jacket was referring to, they weren’t dealing with him that was for sure. Eventually they reached a door, Tess giving Joel a nod before he opened the door to reveal a room in darkness, which was not a red flag at [i]all[/]. Luckily both her and Joel had flashlights once the doors shut, trapping them inside, Joel being the first to turn his flashlight on to reveal what looked to be tablecloth. Wait, tablecloth? Before she could turn her flashlight on, the lights came on which made her shield her eyes with her wrist which she put down once her vision adjusted to be met with… well it wasn’t friendly, that was for sure. It looked like a normal tea party if a normal tea party had guys on each side of the table with bunny masks on with a guy at the far end with what looked kind of like a big top hat. If this was somehow the afterlife, which was doubtful, she was pretty sure they were in hell or at least a really weird part of heaven. Yeah it was most likely hell with the creepy rabbits. The guy spoke up, the voice matching the one they had been hearing, speaking about a frabjous day which if she wasn’t mistaken from her time in school from before the outbreak when she read a few pages of it (okay well she was most likely forced to, she didn’t make much sense of anything from that book), it kind of sounded something out of Alice in Wonderland. [i]Someone[/i] must really have an obsession with that book if this was who she thought this was considering the book and the tea party and the rabbits. When he told them to sit down, there really wasn’t much they could do since they were walking into unknown territory. “[color=964B00]Not like we got a choice.[/color]” She glanced at the fox boy and followed Joel, sitting down in the seat next to him, holstering her pistol for the time being but keeping her hand hovering over it slightly. At the mention of a special recipe being used, she glanced at the cup in front of her and then back at the man. [i]”Special recipe”[/i] was never a good sign, whether it was eating someone’s cooking in an outbreak or really a good sign at all and taking a glance at Joel, while it was a stupid idea to drink tea from some psycho, they really had no choice. “[color=964B00]Listen, I don’t think we’re in a good position to be-[/color]“ The sound of something breaking caused her to be interrupted, making her sigh a bit. …yeah he was probably going to have a freak out considering the little ghost girl made the tea cup Joel was holding fly out of his hands and into the wall, breaking it. That combined with the kid in the green jacket pouring his out was enough to make the guy jump up onto the table but he didn’t seem angry. Saved her from drinking the tea or eating anything at least so she had to thank them for that. Noticing the guys in rabbit masks looking at all of them made her hand grab the gun and at the first sight of them getting up, she would be ready to pull out her pistol and open fire. The man’s full appearance became clear and it seemed he was [i]very[/i] much in love with Alice in Wonderland because he looked pretty much how the Mad Hatter did. Before she could say or do anything, everything went dark for a few seconds before waking up where everyone else woke up: on the giant stopwatch. Trying to stand still which considering the fact that it was falling fast seemed kind of hard, she looked around to see the men that were sitting around the table appear which prompted her to take out her pistol. “[color=964B00]Shit, Joel, everyone! Be careful![/color]” Her telling everyone to be careful would be especially be true seeing as the only one in their group that drank the tea began to go after the wolf boy. When one of them came towards her, she did her best to aim at both of his kneecaps and shot at them, knowing that if she could at least take out their kneecaps, they wouldn’t be much of a problem. [/center]