[hider=Charon][centre][b][colour=Firebrick]Name:[/colour][/b] John Doe (Only ever referred to as such on documentation. Staff, face-to-face, typically just call him Charon) [b][colour=Firebrick]Known Aliases:[/colour][/b] Charon, "The Raggedy Man" [b][colour=Firebrick]Age:[/colour][/b] Unknown, but visually somewhere in his early to mid 30's [b][colour=Firebrick]Appearance:[/colour][/b] Standing at an even six feet with toned musculature, Charon would well be the very picture of health were it not for everything else about him physically. Sunken eyes, pale skin, obvious veins along his arms and neck. Topping it off is unkempt black hair, dull gray eyes and a general "Stiffness" to his movements and mannerisms make Charon appear as a corpse that just left his own wake. When using his abilities, Charon's body morphs and twists itself into whatever he may be forming at such time. Almost becoming a mockery of the human anatomy. Whilst it's hardly the most unsettling thing about him, Guards have noted that Charon never seems to blink. [hider=Reference][img]https://cdn.donmai.us/original/c5/f3/c5f352b4d273584c546776c6e0a2e10d.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][colour=Firebrick]Psyche Profile:[/colour][/b] [hider=Patient Psychology]Subject is... A strange one. Which, considering the environment, is really saying something. John Doe could almost be described as the model inmate. He has no records of violence or even disobedience towards staff, is quiet all hours of the day, complies with any and all pacification methods. About the worst he has ever done is be unwilling to divulge any details about his past life during profiling. This behaviour only ever extends to Asylum staff however. Towards fellow inmates... Subject is immediately violent if precautions are not put in place. While never devolving into a screaming beast, the Subject will methodically tear apart anything in his path to try and reach his target. He has so far never killed any staff members (even saving one in a particular case, see Incident Report #5A), but several have been injured. Bizarrely, with his current limits and deterrents in place, he is willing to converse with fellow inmates, even coming off cordial and civil. But will still calmly explain that in no uncertain terms he would kill them violently if he were physically able. Overall while the subject exhibits no special danger to anyone not obviously "Evil" and is capable of surprising self awareness, he is not to be treated as safe by any means. Exhibiting clear signs of megalomania, BPD and a warped sense of morality.[/hider] [b][colour=Firebrick]Background:[/colour][/b] [hider=Background]There are many theories regarding the past of John Doe. Former soldier? Given the way he operates and moves and his familiarity with basic close quarters and long ranged combat. A man wronged by the world? Given his definition for "justice" involves murdering corrupt politicians and public figures as much as it does super villains. The staff at Thornwood guess often at this, but it amounts to little. Efforts to trace Charon's past before Charon have bore nothing of note. All he is now is all that needs to be known in any case. A brutal, [i]brutal[/i], vigilante with a habit for leaving behind incredibly disturbing crime scenes with his victims. A warning, so to speak. That for criminals, none of them are safe. While it is worrying that the state of the world has left many citizens agreeing if not outright supporting Charon's methods, including some of the Asylum's own guards, it is true that Charon has never claimed an "Innocent" life. Innocent by his own parameters anyway. While cagey about his past life, Charon has divulged some aspects of how he came to be. He was a regular human being, his current condition the result of extensive genetic testing. Or torture, from another point of view. He claims the scientists who did this to him are long dead and that he still does not fully know the extent of his abilities, only that his powers and effective immortality were not the intended outcome from his captor. Charon gave no more information than this, presumably hoping our own scientists might figure out how to change or revert his condition. Sadly they haven't made much progress themselves as Charon is thus far an anomaly, after hearing of their lack of results, Charon hasn't had much else to say to them.[/hider] [b][colour=Firebrick]Skills, Talents and Learning:[/colour][/b] In terms of practical skills, Charon has demonstrated to be at the least proficient with firearms and knives, though with his powers he rarely has need of these skills anymore. He is surprisingly articulate when need be but is also quiet and reserved. Many patients here enjoy tormenting each other mentally but, to our surprise, Charon has yet to rise to these barbs or pointed statements with any noticeable emotion beyond the cold annoyance he treats most people with anyway. [b][colour=Firebrick]Power(s) and Capabilities:[/colour][/b] Arms Dealer: As stated, the full extent of Charon's abilities are not yet known. He has demonstrated thus far to be able to morph his arms into weapons, use his physiology to deploy black spikes from his body and even stretch his limbs to aid in navigating difficult terrain. It seems to limit itself to just his basic humanoid shape, but Charon seems to be able to generally twist and break his body to fit whatever situation he finds himself in. Trail Of Death: One deviance from the above rule is that Charon [i]can[/i] shift himself into a formless black ink-like substance, which moves around faster and can fit into tight spaces. Thankfully, usage of the implant within Charon seems to negate this from happening when the implant is activated. Mark Of Torment: Charon is effectively immortal, he can be shot, stabbed, burned etc. And will reform himself after some time. The length this takes depending on the severity and conditions of how he died. [b][colour=Firebrick]Power Limits:[/colour][/b] Who Wants To Life Forever?: Charon's immortality isn't exactly an enjoyable one. In spite of his corpse appearance and lack of any discernible activity in his body, he still feels pain. It can take him some time to restructure himself, up to several months if his body were to be completely disintegrated. He himself has stated to be fully conscious during the process, which is not very pleasant. So while he could theoretically display much more reckless abandon in his fighting style, he generally likes to avoid fatal wounds if he can help it. But A Man: Physically speaking, Charon doesn't have any special boons in terms of durability. He is capable of tanking punishment in spite of his agony out of sheer rage but he is as fragile as any other human being. Outside of his blob/biomass like form he is at as much risk as any of the guards, again, physically speaking. Charon is capable of inflicting high amounts of damage, but isn't very good at taking it. [b][colour=Firebrick]Known Vulnerabilities:[/colour][/b] Sounds Of Silence: Charon, or at least the twisted abomination that afflicts him, does not play with extremely high pitched piercing sounds. Things like bells and chimes are stated to give him a headache, but concentrated sonic emission at a high frequency can outright debilitate him. Charon himself describes it as feeling like a "drill on fire burning into [his] skull." Justice Is Blind: A mental weakness. Charon is so obsessed with the concept of right and wrong, or at the very least the idea of punishment being inflicted on the guilty. That any sort of miscarriage of justice burns him deeply to the core. Whilst not exactly "stable", the idea that the asylum is limiting him from enacting permanent end to the criminals in and outside its walls absolutely infuriates Charon. Awareness of this and temperance of it with patience is one of the few ways Charon tries to keep himself from becoming as deranged as everyone else inside Project Borehole. Implant X: An experimental little device that was at one point tested on the other patients, but never took physically. It was however, seemingly accepted by the biomass of Charon, much to his displeasure. He is almost the perfect candidate for it however as it essentially monitors who is and isn't Thornwood staff and inmates, if the subject with the implant attempts to do harm to either of these groups, they will feel a sharp constant pain in the back of their heads. Attempting to resist the agony and continue the attack anyway can cause an outright brain haemorrhage and subsequently death. Naturally this last part is something Charon can come back from but, as stated, isn't pleasant. On the plus side, the implant has enabled staff to restrict Charon less, as well as make him a bit less hostile to his fellow inmates... A bit. [b][colour=Firebrick]Motives:[/colour][/b] [i][b]Justice.[/b][/i] [b][colour=Firebrick]Recommended Containment Procedures:[/colour][/b] Subject's cell is to be constantly monitored for any crack or chink in the foundation, lest the subject attempt to escape through it. Subject's cell window must be sealed and carry several layers of glazing. While the subject has not [i]seemed[/i] to need to eat and drink, they should still be given time each day to move around outside their cell, both for interaction with the general population (and possibly as a deterrent against the more violent inmates.) When moving around, subject must have at least one guard monitoring his implant is working correctly, as well as be secured in reinforced cryonic cuffs to cover the hands and up to the shoulders in case of attempted reconstruction of the limbs. These can be removed in more quiet spaces when the subject is sat down but are mandatory in public spaces such as the cafeteria or yard. [b][colour=Firebrick]Notes:[/colour][/b] Eat your fruit and veg or the raggedy man'll kill ya dead.[/centre][/hider]