[center][h2][color=5365E7]Nahobino[/color][/h2] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/6a3dd752d12c2bd9ee10fce4acd4c7b5/1afe2644bfcc4cda-e7/s540x810/a8a0d15ba571b54e6fad59f1f0435e28663e09c1.gif[/img] [color=5365E7][h3]Kurumi Amano[/h3][/color] [h1]BOOM.[/h1] That was the sound Nahobino heard when waking up. An explosion occurred, and their long, luscious lashes fluttered with haste, wildly awake and aghast. Where.. [i]were[/i] they? This wasn’t Da’at, this wasn’t the Netherworld— But there was no time for that. The details of the predicament could come later. For now, they had to usher themselves out of such a perilous situation before they were caught in the crossfire. With an unsteady footing, Nahobino paused for a moment, fingers, eyes and luscious locks glowing alongside them. So did their galaxy-colored, futuristic, tailored jumpsuit. And seemingly appearing out of nowhere from nothing but the depths of the fusion’s mind, manifested the Egyptian God of chaos and evil himself—Seth. A streamlined, pitch black dragon materialized from a luminous, crystallized blue light, dwarfing Nahobino and almost two large houses. [img]https://www.gematsu.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/SMTV-Daily-Demon_09-04-21.jpg[/img] [hr] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/15226cfe186b4e61615c3f8a5ece5c5c/57bd43f9dc72163c-42/s540x810/93ff4b96a5925c4f555838d96381e7b8f4d768e2.gif[/img] “[i][color=DFB43E]Young man. I am detecting several moving presences atop that building. It would be wise to investigate.[/color][/i]” Silently, Nahobino nodded at Aogami’s advice and mounted the dragon and pulled on his reins, flapping them softly to alert the dark dragon to bound for the skies. With no words at all, Seth had already known what to do, as if in sync with its companion and master. With an abrasive gust of wind that shook the foundation of several buildings, the winged demon careened for the skies of poetic blue, sun-warmed, prickly yet free. They were carried above by warm updrafts. The fusion’s collective heart beat hard—they could hear the wicked screams of others echoing in their ears, so they had to get up there and quick! The dragon let out a roar upon the Proto-Fiend’s inner command as they rose to the top, descending with a [h3]crash[/h3] as the dragon’s talons landed through the building with seemingly zero damage, breaking the entire top off with its size alone. Well, what a way to debut for little Nahobino, eh? [/center] Interactions — [@QizPizza] [@FactionGuerilla] [@MorgueofCrowz] [@Lazaro1505] [@KageBaka] [@TheElenaFisher] [@SomeMekBoy] [@Crow] [@thatguyinastore]