[center] “…Unless there’s another captive I don’t know about, we should wake him up. That is, should the other half of this group not have learned of, and apprehended, the true culprit. Do we have any idea if Superman could be using this John Doe as a middleman, or if it’s truly independent? Because he doesn’t strike me as someone who would want or need a middleman.” [/center] [center] Otto would crouch in front of the now knocked cold thug, unfazed at literally everything going to pot around him, and began slapping said thug in the face to try and elicit a response. “Earth to societal reprobate, Earth to societal reprobate.”[/center] [center][@MorgueofCrowz][@QizPizza][@Thatguyinastore][@TheElenaFisher][@Lazaro1505][@KageBaka][@Crow][@FactionGuerilla][@ClownTown][@Yamperzzz][@BoltBeam][@XeroUltra][/center]