[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/381533548320129026/913887488039333898/1627698647571.png[/img] [h1]Eric[/h1] "I'm not too experienced with human treatments, but I'll do what I can. Sort of on-topic question, by the way: do we have anyone rescuing the people that might be stuck in that building? 'cause I'm not seeing anyone coming out." Eric gets to work retrieving bodies from the street with Psychic, careful not to move them too quick in order to avoid any further injuries. He then takes a wrap of bandages and a few splints from the designated crate as well as some of the berries and plants in his bag and begins getting to work treating wounds. "Hey, Hersh- Horsey- Hertz- Hershey- fancy man, you don't happen to have any rubbing alcohol on you, do you? There's only so much pine sap I can contribute here." [@Thatguyinastore] [@Yamperzzz] [@ProfSpacecakes] [@RirisStride1] [@ClownTown][/center]