Kokoma Aluvera [hr] "Sounds good to me!" Kokoma would agree. "That does sound like an acceptable use of our talents...very well, I shall do my best." The Arachne, unless stopped, would agree and then start to head out. Wasn't like she needed much in the way of being prepared, after all and unless anything exceedingly dangerous was out there, she should be more or less fine on her own. "Chopping trees down, huh? Oh, I know how to do this! Leave it to kokoma!" Of course, it wasn't like she had an axe on hand. So she'd have to get a bit creative, now wouldn't she? She could have probably asked the others if they had one, but of course, such a thought didn't occur to Kokoma as she'd leave the small camping area behind and head towards a few nearby trees. How hard could cutting down a tree really be, right? As long as there was wood, cut into relatively small chunks that were dry...then just poof! Fire. Easy enough. Taking her weapon in hand, Kokoma would raise it into the air and -[i]thunk[/i]- swing it right into the tree's trunk. She had seen this in that video game once, of course so she knew what she was doing...somewhat. Just had to cut it on the side she wanted it to fall, and then move before she became a Shenke pancake.