[@KaelRavenheart] [color=f7941d][b][h1][center]Abigail “Atom Bomb” Zebrowski[/center] [/h1][/b][/color] [img]https://cdn2.lamag.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2018/06/tank-girl-lori-petty.jpg[/img] Abby soon fell silent when she noticed eyes watching her screaming out towards the other prisoners. She felt stupid for trying to get the prisoner’s attention; “[color=f7941d]No use; they’re gonna think your some sort of psycho.[/color]” Muttering to herself before walking over towards her bed. Taking an iPod Nano underneath her bed; she had bribed a guard to give her the iPod and some headphones. Listening to some music while laying down in her bed. (What she is listening to- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4c_SkROzzo ) Staring at the wall thinking about what she would do differently; she would have found a way to control her emotions. If she had control of her emotions; she would have not been in this hellhole. Standing up from her bed after hearing a knock on her door. Walking over and noticed two guards armed with cattle prods. “It’s time for breakfast, and Dr.Novis agreed to let you out and eat with the others.” One of the guards said starting to open the door. “ Put your hands on the wall and stand still; while we put the handcuffs on you.” Abby did as she was told placing her hands-on the isolated walls. As they opened the door; walked into the room hovering a Geiger counter around Abby. The first guard handcuffed her hands behind her back; while the second guard had the cattle prod near her side. Being lead outside of her cell; she was glad to be out of her cell after so long. The other inmates were led out of their cells and into the cafeteria. The cafeteria itself was filled with tables and a kitchen on the east side of the room. With a serving station similar to what one would find in a prison. Abby was unhandcuffed with the guards that had escorted them standing to the wall. Getting in line to get his breakfast; noticing the many guards above standing on a balcony armed with M16s. Abby got her tray watching it being filled with not really edible food. But since that was all they were serving; then Abby was forced to eat it. Taking a seat on one of the tables; wolfed down the food in front of her. Finding the food to be not terrible but not good. Eyeing the other inmates around her; breaking the silence by reciting a joke she heard a long time ago. “[color=f7941d]Two cannibals are eating a Clown. One says to the other, Does this taste funny to you?.”[/color] Meanwhile, while Gift was having breakfast he would notice a note underneath his tray. An interesting thing as not many people had access to communicating with him. Inside of the note was the following written in pencil. “[i]Dear Mr. Gift Firstly it is a pleasure to be speaking with you; secondly I am a big fan of your villainous work. I was wondering if you would be interested in being a part of my plan to escape this place. Your help would be greatly appreciated, and you will be smelling the fresh air in a couple of days; if you accept my offer. Please get back to me by writing on the back of this note. Yours’s truly Mr.Q.[/i]”