--Penny Polendina-- Interaction: [@MorgueofCrowz] [@QizPizza] [@SomeMekBoy] [@TheElenaFisher] [@Thatguyinastore] [@Crow] [@FactionGuerilla] [@ClownTown] [@Yamperzzz] [@BoltBeam] [@XeroUltra] After ensuring that the Hostages were safe down at Spider Man's web, Penny returned to see quite the scene. For one, there seems to be a gaping hole on the ceiling now, along with the appearance of a blue haired feminine figure, who had summoned a cute looking black creature, reminiscent of a snowman, in order to assist Cole. Still, with that remaining thug lying dead on the floor, Penny could only assume that their interrogation went well. Not that it was a method she could've approved of, but...She wasn't able to stop it. From what she heard while flying back up, it seems that this blue haired fellow expressed that feeling for her. A life snuffed for the sake of justice is still a life lost. Regardless, there was one thing that can be heard in the aftermath--a thumping on a nearby closet. "[color=39b54a]Could that be anyone else?[/color]" Penny asked aloud, heading towards the closet that seemed relatively unharmed, using her thermal vision to check for heat signatures.