"Are they sleeping?" A.M.A.Z.O. said as he looked at the dead and unconscious goons alike. "We should leave them be while we find this 'Firefly' they speak of. He turned towards the thing Penny was turning his attention to, before slinging a web to the closet's knobs. "Everyone. Stand back," A.M.A.Z.O. said as he summoned an electrically-charged sword in his other hand. "Three, two, one..." With that, he swung the door open, preparing for what was inside. [@Kagebaka] [@MorgueofCrowz] [@QizPizza] [@SomeMekBoy] [@TheElenaFisher] [@Thatguyinastore] [@Crow] [@FactionGuerilla] [@ClownTown] [@Yamperzzz] [@BoltBeam] [@XeroUltra] The various energy attacks of Sougo's that flew the team's way and missed were absorbed by Ben's plug-like antannae. "Alright! Now it's time for the [b]Feedback[/b]!" Feedback, as Ben decided to call this form, grabbed a chair, charging it with Sougo's own energy and aimed it for his legs as he took a big leap. "A jump into the sky turns into another victory from yours truly! HAAAAAIIIYYYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" [@Thatguyinastore] [@Kagebaka] [@Second2Last] [@davefromdiscord] [@Paper94] [@Crow] [@TheElenaFisher] [@Attesa]