[center] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/745993264418652175/909418367406997554/E_qJrXdXIAcIHqk_2_1.jpg[/img][color=gold][h2][b]All Might[/b][/H2] Toshinori Yagi[/color] All Might opened his mouth to reply to Ultron — and with something more important than merely pointing out that he’d already made the Jeff Bezos joke earlier, I swear — but chaos ensued before he could. The most concerning and derailing sounds were, of course, the very nearby gunshots. When he turned around to see what was going on, he was at first relieved to see that no one had been shot, but… Between Voss still holding a gun, Negan dumping what looked like liquor on a patient, and some feline creature [i]also[/i] in possession of a gun and proceeding to… crush up berries? It all seemed a bit much for the old hero. [color=gold][h2]”Enough!”[/h2][/color] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/888727968153747496/914159331010838548/tumblr_pequ9yVG7O1rtwid9o8_r1_540.gif[/img] After that shouted call to order, anyone that would care to glance All Might’s way would find them fixed in an intense angry gaze that had been known to make most lesser villains soil themselves. He focused his ire mainly on Voss, Negan, and Eric, who’d made fine work of completely terrifying the gathered survivors. [color=gold]”You three! If any of you have [i]actual[/i] first aid training, stick to the [i]sterilized[/i] supplies gathered in these crates. If you [i]don’t[/i] have the proper training, then you’ll likely do more harm than good by trying to treat these people. I appreciate the desire to help, but it might be better for you to either help gather information or else keep an eye on the perimeter. And [i]you!”[/i][/color] All Might shifted his attention to focus on Voss in particular. [color=gold]”If your weapons are so prone to ‘misfires’ then either put them away or hand them over. If I hear [i]one more gunshot[/i] from you inside this camp, you’d better have a [i]damn good excuse[/i] or be prepared to be forcibly restrained!”[/color] Interactions - [@RirisStride1] [@ClownTown] [@Thatguyinastore] [@Attesa] [@Yamperzzz][/center]