When Serena and Josh came back Kay lifted her head off John's shoulder but she didn't fully move away from him. "you're weren't interrupting" she reassured Serena as John commented on Serena's state. "nah, she managed to trace the warning to your kid's time and the connection blasted her backwards" Josh spoke up as he came down the last few steps behind them and over to Serena, standing behind her slightly. He tenderly held onto Serena's shoulder on the top and to the side slightly, "I'm gonna put it back in place on the cou t of three okay?" he warned her, "one....two..."and without saying three, he popped it back into place with a loud crack and pop as the bone went back into its socket. Kay winced at the sound, feeling glad she wasn't Serena in that very moment. Chas smiled," that's sweet, but I'm sure they can cope without me for a little while. You need to be a kid for a while" he told her. "you only get one childhood kiddo, gotta make the most of it" he added.