[hider=Rowan Kinsley] [b]Name:[/b] Rowan Kinsley [b]Age: [/b]26 [b]Preferred Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b]Rowan has auburn hair with a slight wave to it, clear deep red and deep brown highlights in direct sun. Her eyes are hazel, with slight golden flecks near the center. Her skin tone is a dark/medium tan all year round and she stands at around 5’7”. [b]Personality:[/b] Her personality is bold when she is around familiar faces. Her smile is bright- even when forced. With a love for jokes and gut wrenching laughter she spends nights in the pub or tavern after training, most nights stumbling home a little under the influence. But when she is sad, she wears it on her sleeve, and when she is angry you should run and hide for she just becomes…quiet. She will look at you and frown, without actually saying a word to display her true range of emotions. That’s when she is fearsome. [b]History/Backstory:[/b] Rowan grew up well loved by her father, taking on the maternal figure for her younger siblings. As the eldest of four, she made sure there was food on the table- even if it didn’t always taste the best. Her mother passed during childbirth when she was eleven and that changed her world. She had to grow up fast, learning from the village midwife how to care for her siblings; whilst learning to sword fight, and thatch their roof from her father. He saw what she was trying to do for the family and never remarried, noticing how she didn’t always mind the extra work and how it would make her smile teaching the young ones how to walk and talk. Now as an adult, she trained on her own out in the fields so no one would disturb her, still making sure her youngest got her work done before sunset and helping her feed the family. Her childhood made her strong, bold, and ready for a new adventure should one turn up and present itself. [/hider]