[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/381533548320129026/913887488039333898/1627698647571.png[/img] [h1]Eric[/h1] The Espeon waves the two rightfully concerned men (those being All Might and Hershel, of course) off, as laid back as ever. "Calm down, you two. Especially you, blondie, you're starting to sound like my pal Larry. I warned ya' guys! I don't have much experience with human treatment. But trust me- if these traditional Pokemon treatments didn't work, I wouldn't be using them!" Eric gently rubs some pine sap over another gash to disinfect it. Reaching for another canteen, he tips it only to see one measly drop slowly drip out. He then checks his bag. Out of berries, too. "Lucky for you, I have to switch now anyway. Woulda packed more medical supplies if I knew you'd be blowing up buildings!" He helps set a broken bone of one of the civilians, wincing a little at the snap. "But really, you guys seriously NEED to get some Pokemon Berries around here, at LEAST. I mean, c'mon, one Rawst is enough to treat any serious burn," he continues as he wraps a splint around them. "By the way, I charge extra for preventing executions. Take it out of the pirate's bank account." He moves to another civilian and starts treating their burns. "Nah, just kidding. Unless you [i]want[/i] to pay me. I mean, I'm kinda rolling in money back home, but I can't exactly make withdrawals from Duskull Bank here. Most I've seen are ATMs and I'm pretty sure every single one has a guy with a knife waiting around the closest corner." He glances up at the wounded person he'd been helping. "How's the burn feel? Don't touch it, okay?" The Espeon then promptly zips towards the next patient and gets right back to rambling. "I think the crime rate here really adds to the experience though, y'know? Exploding buildings, killer aliens, creepy billionaire guys, I think it all comes together in one really neat package. Oh, and by the way, Hershel-" Eric smirks at the man, resting a paw on his cheek and swishing his tail playfully at him as he uses Psychic to continue working on the patient behind him. "'Good behavior' is my middle name!" The cat salutes, jovial as can be. [@Thatguyinastore] [@Yamperzzz] [@ProfSpacecakes] [@RirisStride1] [@ClownTown][/center]