[h1][center]Thundercloud[/center][/h1] Before Thundercloud executed his electrical execution, he noticed the shadow girl he kicked disappear. Whatever, that wasn’t surprising; the darkie was just being useless like all black people were. More importantly, the Otaku’s girlfriend and grunge guy were working on some kind of plan, which was to apparently throw the spear his way while getting hit by lightning! Thundercloud supposed this shouldn’t be [i]that[/i] surprising; emos enjoy killing themselves, after all. The spear was easy enough to counter; thanks to the electricity it had absorbed, Thundercloud could simply move it in mid-air away from him. Interestingly, the spear dissolved shortly after that. Maybe that was part of the girl’s power? More difficult to counter, however, would be the tire charging at him again. He had to assume the rubber had protected it from too much damage. This was just tedious now; it’s not like he’d fall for the same trick twice. Thundercloud created small “cotton balls” in his palms and the bottom of his feet, allowing him to catch the tire head-on even as he was pushed back a bit. Though the “cotton balls” had disappeared, the fat man had the tire thing right where he wanted it. Taking a deep breath, he used all his strength to toss it towards one of the now glassless windows, then shot a beam of electricity at it, sending it blasting off in the sky like Team Rocket after they failed to steal Pikachu. Whoever or whatever was controlling the tire would not be helping these wannabe super heroes again any time soon. [center][h1][color=9e0b0f]Robin[/color][/h1][/center] Thundercloud was more serious than ever, unlike Narumi. Didn’t she see that people were in danger here? Still, there was no use dwelling on it, not when the racist electric user was charging up an attack. And whatever attack this was, it was going to hurt. Robin was even more alarmed to discover that he didn’t have enough barrier talismans to protect everyone. He was determined to do what he could, though. Deciding to repay the favor for the protection earlier, Robin used all of his talismans to create a shield around Kestrel, protecting her from Thundercloud’s front and rear strikes. He then hid behind Narumi, hoping she would protect them both, at least out of self-interest. Instead, said one word and disappeared, leaving Robin to be killed by Thundercloud’s attack. The last thing Robin heard before dying was the word “[color=6ecff6]fish.[/color]” [h1][center]Thundercloud[/center][/h1] The villain examined the results of his lightning strike as the rain started to clear. The results were more mixed than he’d have liked; while the Jap was dead and one girl in the fetal position was [i]going[/i] to be dead, the Chinaman’s girlfriend was still alive and- "[color=ed1c24]Alri[/color][color=f26522]ght. No[/color] [color=f7941d]more fu[/color][color=fff200]cking a[/color][color=8dc73f]round.[/color] [color=00aeef]Let[/color][color=92278f]'s ge[/color][color=ed145b]t sp[/color][color=ed1c24]ark[/color][color=f26522]ly.[/color]" [i]“How the fuck is he still alive? He took a lightning bolt to the back,”[/i] Thundercloud thought. And was there another girl near the lobby? That’d have to be something to deal with later though; right now the fat man had a very colorful target to destroy. “Okay, you fruity knock-off Super Saiyan,” he declared, breathing heavily as he did so “as the dead gook would tell you, imitating Asians won’t help you win.” Thundercloud then started charging another attack. Though there was no real lightning to accompany this one, the villain was able to send another burst of electricity towards Kain and Kestrel. This would hopefully kill those two. Then he could finish off the rest of them and have a nice meal from the vending machine. He deserved a nice break after working so hard to kill these retards.