[center][hr][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/oiSJ6L9.png[/img] [img]https://c.tenor.com/KgdroADvf_8AAAAd/metroid-metroid-dread.gif[/img] [hr][hr][/center] [center][quote][color=ed1c24][b]"<:_WARNING_:_ALTITUDE_RAPIDLY_DESCENDING_._COLLISION_IMMINENT_:>[/b][/color][/quote][/center] A sharp inhale caused Samus Aran to suddenly snap back to consciousness. One moment the bounty hunter was flying towards her mission objective - a space station orbiting a massive gas giant - to apprehend a space pirate remanent under the Galactic Federation's orders. Then she unexpectedly lost consciousness and blacked out momentarily, only to shortly awaken to find her ship spiraling out of control while plummeting towards a metropolitan skyline below! The bewildered bounty hunter had numerous questions coursing through her head at breakneck speed, desperately trying to make sense of the situation. Yet now was not the time to dwell on the matter when her life was once again on the line! Quickly Samus sat up and began scrolling around with the holographic gyrosphere with one hand, while her other pulled back on the throttle to force the ship's landing thrusters upwards to control her descent as much as she could. Her purple gunship wailed as smoke could be seen trailing from its left wing from bystanders on the ground. It was clear things weren't looking too good. And worse still, the landing thrusters refused to activate! Samus tried several times to activate them but to no avail. This was going to be a rough landing; and all she could do now was brace for impact. The ship was able to swerve past the tallest skyscrapers but her current trajectory wouldn't spare its damaged wing from scraping off one of them. Samus was jolted forward by the collision, as her ship span rapidly before crashing onto the street below. Sparks flew against the sickening screech of metal before the gunship slowly came to a grinding halt. [hr] [center] [hider=*Ship Alarm*][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2mQ_LeaqBY&t[/youtube] [/hider] [/center] With an audible groan, Samus rose her head before slowly getting to her feet. She hadn't experienced a crash-landing like this in awhile, although knowing her luck it was bound to happen again eventually. Trouble always seemed to have found her at the least opportune moments. Instinctually, she issued a quick scan of her armor to make sure everything was in place. And indeed her visor would report back negative. She was still in her Varia Suit with all the current upgrades she equipped prior to the mission. With her ship now compromised, the bounty hunter would have to search around for supplies - if not another way off this planet. At the very least Samus wouldn't have to search for any of her lost equipment. Yet she had a feeling that wherever she found herself in was far larger than she knew. She opened the emergency hatch on the ship's roof and proceeded climbed out, where she would first step foot upon this world. Taking in the sights of the metropolitan environment, she quickly realized that this planet felt familiar to her... Was this Earth? Samus hadn't stepped foot on the Galactic Federation's home world since her days in the academy; training alongside those born in the cradle of the human race. That was many years ago. But the more she observed her surroundings, the more alienated she felt all the same. It was a weird feeling; as if the Earth she stood on wasn't the Earth she knew. The buildings here were more primitive then she remembered; and she could hear sounds of unfamiliar origin echoing in the distance. Was Earth being invaded? Surely the Federation would've been the first to alert her if this was the case. But as far as she knew, Earth was protected by a massive defense fleet - ready to take down any alien invaders that dare attempt to wipe humanity off the intergalactic map. She needed answers. Leaving her ship behind, Samus made her way down the street to wherever fate would lead her...