[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210908/d397ee476f4ffcdd9c4328e1f30f6830.png[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/29642b9ab4ec2f1594659adbe41e3668/tumblr_inline_ps9rhwDfQ11wv47ba_250.gifv[/img] Location: Freedom Festival; Bleachers Interactions: [color=ffc948]Kaylen[/color] [@Pyxis] Outfit: [url=https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/Xs2KhDefav1XSPMJjtYj5TMMED8/fit-in/2048xorig/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2020/01/13/964/n/1922398/378704695a50f699_GettyImages-1028843422/i/Luka-Dropped-Out-College-to-Pursue-His-Dreams.jpg]∞[/url][/center] [hr][hr] Cassian returned Kaylen's smile as he handed over the plate. He knew no one could refrain from smiling when they had funnel cake in front of them. It was the carnival food of joy. "No problem. I don't know why you were crying, but no one should be on the first day. That's what midterms are for." He couldn't tell you how many corners he turned and stairways he climbed just to end up walking in on someone balling their eyes out over all the exams they had to study for. He was glad that he never let the pressures of school get to him. He was fine with just sailing smoothly through the currents while Nat did her best to excel. "And I'll hold you to that, but now I have to deliver this one to a very impatient friend of mine. I'll catch you around, Kaylen." Cassian turned back towards the bleacher stairs and started to make his way down. On his way he spotted Daniel and the Costello twins with Lydia and someone else he didn't recognize. Whoever she was she was cute and it seemed like she was new, but known. He'd make sure to ask them about her later. Who knows? She might even join the Boys at the beach after school. [hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211008/66bf47ed986abd9b8e45d369127eef3c.png[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/c131733172141140cf81a41fe7754fc2/9d2013757cd2c9a7-17/s400x600/9db3048af17d777a4a388ea9fa5f6a8950d6ff30.gifv[/img] Location: Delbrook Festival (High Striker) Interactions: [color=7FFFD4]My Knight in Shining Swim Trunks[/color] [@metanoia][/center] [hr][hr] Ali was starting to feel conflicted about hiding her skill at the High Striker for Kyle. On one hand it was great that it made him feel helpful but she wished it didn't take that for him to feel that way. She didn't like lying to him, but in order to continue to prop her new boyfriend and his self-confidence she just might have to keep it up a little longer. At least until after the festival was over. [color=ff99cc]"Yeah... Gymnastics has really helped develop my strength. No wonder almost every hero is a gymnast."[/color] She paused for a second before dropping the hammer to the ground and walking closer to Kyle. She reached her right hand up to his cheek, but hesitated as if to ask for permission to touch it. Once she was given the all clear she'd place it gently on his cheek and get him to look into her eyes. [color=ff99cc]"But hey, I don't like you talking like that. You're very helpful. You've been helping me all morning."[/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211128/c982358de74a8c74b8cd2f481e6af0a7.png[/img] [img]https://c.tenor.com/a3OuEi2tvO8AAAAd/ryan-destiny-grownish.gif[/img] Location: Robotics Booth to Drama Booth[/center] Natasha Knight considered herself a very patient and forgiving person though there would be some that would disagree. She pays those disagreeances no mind, but today they might very well be right. She knew that the festival was only going to be live for an hour or so at the most and she was not going to spend that entire time stuck behind a booth waiting on Cass. She refused to be the only one not enjoying their time at the festival. Cassian should've been there by now with her funnel cake and he wasn't answering any of her texts inquiring about his whereabouts. She decided. She was going to leave. She didn't bother leaving anyone in charge, but she was sure that her VP would handle things if there was any latecomer to their booth. Nat made her way through the festival taking in the sights, games, and bountiful aromas of food that spread throughout. All of it was very tempting, but she seemed to have a specific destination in mind that had yet to be revealed to her. She continued to walk and walk and walk, wait. Go back. Natasha walked backwards and turned to the only other booth that actually caught her attention. A devious plan formed inside her head. She promised herself she'd never sing at school, but in order to get back at Cassian this sacrifice would be worth it. [color=ffccff]"Hey, my friend and I would like to join."[/color]