[hider=Khaltesh Anki | Empire of Oberia - Kingdoms of Friestan] [center]________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [img]https://i.postimg.cc/cC2Vy2Hq/Khaltesh-Anki-1.jpg[/img] [h2][color=DEB887][b]Khaltesh Anki[/b][/color][/h2] [i]"What makes a person? What does it mean to be "alive"? To be born of flesh and blood? The capacity to breathe and bleed? Simply to be capable of speech? To these I say, nay! It is none of these things! To live is to think; to be a person is to be capable of truly independent and intelligent thoughts!"[/i] [b]-Tiberius Oberon, Emperor of Oberia-[/b] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [/center] [hider=Leitmotif][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhv_OvpgvPQ[/youtube][/hider] [hider=Closeup][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/ryH6r09h/Khaltesh-Anki-2.png[/img][/center][/hider] [b]Name[/b] Khaltesh Anki du Oberia [b]Title[/b] - Scion of Gaea - 2nd Princess of Oberia [b]Informal Moniker[/b] "Living Doll" "The Darker Princess" "Pint-sized Juggernaut" [b]Age[/b] 4 years old [b]Gender Identity[/b] Technically none, often identified as female due to appearance [b]Marital Status[/b] Single [b]Occupation[/b] Royal Mage [b]Residency[/b] Vhamos-Tyrr, Capital of Oberia [b]Appearance[/b] An artificial sentient construct made of gears, reinforced steel skeleton and frame, and malleable magically-enchanted porcelain as her skin, Anki is mostly human in appearance. Indeed it would have been easy to mistake her for a human, if not for the fact that her entire body with the exception of her head is very obviously artificial in nature; black porcelain trimmed and decorated with light brown metal. Combined with the typical Gothic inspired style of dress that she is apt to wear, she very much fits the image of one of her informal moniker: "Living Doll". Standing at 150cm (4 feet 11 inches) tall combined with a thin and slender frame, she is unmistakably quite petite. This can be rather misleading however, as she weights a total of exactly 100kg. Her "skin" is perfectly unblemished, the porcelain surface smooth and without even the slightest hint of imperfection. Due to the magical enchantment put into them, these porcelain surface also feels just like a human skin would to the touch. The same can be said of her hair, artificially made to perfectly mirror the silky texture of a very well cared for human hair. Even her eyes were made to be identical to real human eyes despite being made of enchanted glass and jewels. All in all, these perfections both served to make her entrancingly beautiful while at the same time also unmistakably unnatural. She made for a contrasting duo with her "older sister" Spenta Armaiti. Whereas Anki can be called as having dark hues as her color theme, Armaiti is characterized as having bright hues instead. [b]Character & Personality[/b] Anki is best described as being very calm, calculated, and observant; giving her the impression of being quiet and not very much one for socializing. In reality, she does not have any aversion towards interacting with other people; it is merely that she is placid in temperament. Highly intelligent and mature despite her young age, she also possessed a tempered sort of curiosity common among the academically brilliant. It is not surprising then that she very much enjoys reading, and if there is such thing that can be called as a hobby for her then it is unmistakably this very act. Despite her maturity and serenity however, she does not shy away from shows of affection that can be seen as childish by some. While she is not particularly facially expressive of her emotions, she instead shows this with physical contact, readily hugging and clinging to those she deems as her precious people. In her belief, such actions are not at all childish, but are instead honest and true to herself. [b]Character Story[/b] Anki was "born" in the Empire of Oberia, a country known for being one of the academic capitals of Friestan and one of the most advanced as well especially in terms of magic. Sentient constructs like herself are somewhat common in the Empire, courtesy of Emperor Tiberius Oberon himself who pioneered the very procedure that allowed for such miraculous creations. As a highly extraordinary and esteemed academic himself, Tiberius had managed to learn from his long years of academic researches and studies to combine mundane industrial processes such as steel working with the magical arts of Alchemy and Divine Magic. The mundane works created the vessel, Alchemy bestowed life to the vessel, and Divine Magic allowed a sentient mind to dwell within the newly living vessel. And with it all combined, a true sentient life emerged into existence. As stated above, sentient constructs like herself are common in the Empire. Sentient constructs specifically of her kind however, are the opposite. Aside from Anki herself, there had only ever been one other "Living Doll", her "older sister" Spenta Armaiti. They are special in three particular ways. One, despite sentient constructs in general being unable to use magic, Anki and Armaiti are capable of using magic by utilizing the naturally occurring mana from the environment itself. Two, they are significantly more "human" than most other sentient constructs. Three, they are both adopted as daughters to the Emperor himself, making them of among the highest ranked of sentient constructs within the Empire. The Emperor is unmarried(and completely uninterested to do so) and without a child of his own, and he felt a fatherly affection towards Anki and Armaiti. Despite her still short four years of life, Anki had achieved things that most people far older than herself would be hard pressed to achieve. Due to her immense potential for magic, she had became the Scion of Gaea, apprentice to the Lord of Gaea. The Lord of Gaea is one of the four Lords of Elemental, the four most powerful mages named as Royal High Mage by the Emperor himself. Many in the Empire and beyond had opined that considering her potentials, it is above all else mostly a matter of time and experience before she will achieve a level of magical prowess required to be a Lord of Elemental herself. Regardless of all else, one thing pertaining to Anki can be said with near certainty: She is very young still, with near unlimited possibilities laid in front of her as she paved her own destiny. [b]Abilities[/b] - Geomancy: An elemental magical art pertaining to the control and manipulation of the earth element. Anki is highly skilled as a Geomancer, capable of fine control and manipulation of the element. This ability of hers is enhanced further when she used it in tandem with Ur Terra, her magical scepter. Without Ur Terra, she can easily create a large 2 meter tall golem out of soil and stone, conjure a localized earthquake, or turn solid earthen ground into mud. With Ur Terra, she can instead create an even mightier 3 meter tall golem, conjure a bigger and more violent earthquake, or split open the ground to swallow and crush an opponent under it. Furthermore, the unnatural perfection of her body and skin mentioned before was also in part a product of her own Geomancy ability as she can easily fix or replace damaged parts of her own body; given enough time and concentration it is then possible to make the repair perfect. - Armed Fighting: Ur Terra is no mere magical scepter. It is also made of highly durable materials making it suitable as a blunt weapon. While Anki's martial skills would be no match for an experienced fighter who dedicated themselves to their fighting art, she is still very well capable of defending herself even without relying on magic. - Pint-sized Juggernaut: Despite her petite stature, being made of enchanted metal and porcelain made Anki significantly stronger and tougher than what a human can naturally achieve. Combined with her Geomancy allowing herself to strengthen the materials of her own body even further, it was unsurprising that she was given this moniker by those who had witnessed what she is physically capable of. [b]Reason for accepting this task[/b] She wasn't so much as being told to investigate the mysterious meteor that had crashed within Dragonspire as she decided to investigate it out of her own will. It was instead her that asked for permission from her father the Emperor and her mentor the Lord of Gaea to be allowed to go on an expedition to investigate the crash. They gave the permission with a condition: She may not go on this expedition alone. Instead, she is to join up with other highly capable individuals who were also sent to investigate the crash by other countries allied with the Empire. [b]Miscellaneous Facts[/b] - While there are now many individuals capable of making sentient constructs within the Empire, Anki and Armaiti were both personally created by the Emperor himself. - While she is indeed the younger one of the two, Anki is in fact only a day younger than Armaiti. - Despite(or perhaps exactly due to) not needing nor capable of actually eating or drinking, she is quite curious about the whole "ingestion of nutrients" thing that virtually all non-construct living being partakes in. - She, like all other sentient constructs of the Empire, is capable of sleeping and in fact need to do so. Her form of sleeping is notably different than sleeping for other people; whereas non-construct living being sleep as part of their physical body's needs, Anki sleep to preserve the sentient mind given to her by the Divine Magic used during her creation. She required about 3 hours of sleep a day, and prolonged deprivation of sleep slowly but surely make her mind muddy and slow. - Anki is very fond of plant lives, something that she had always felt even before her affinity for Geomancy was discovered. - Her dressing style was due to her caregiver thinking it "fits such an adorable princess" instead of it being Anki's own decision. Having been dressed in Gothic inspired fashion since her "birth", she just never thought to try anything different. [/hider]